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Tractors out 2024

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Incredible!  They don’t get too much weather being in the wood shed?

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That is a 20 x 30 coverall building.

It is quite dry.

Likely paid as much for that as most of my Wheel Horses combined.



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Niiiiice Herd Cleat!

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87 416-8 horse

Beautiful beautiful! :eusa-clap:

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They look beautiful clean.


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That fifth one is not quite lined up! :ychain:




It is an extremely nice picture! 

Mine don't seem to hang around long enough to take family photo's 

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2 minutes ago, JoeM said:

That fifth one is not quite lined up! :ychain:




It is an extremely nice picture! 

Mine don't seem to hang around long enough to take family photo's 

That one has a wrong steering wheel.

Hopefully that will get remedied over the next year of restoration work.

"Family photo"  love it.


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Retired Wrencher

Cleat very nice tractors you heave. And that storage shed looks to be well made. I hope you take one at a time out this spring and summer and give them a good run. Enjoy the ride.

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1 hour ago, Retired Wrencher said:

Cleat very nice tractors you heave. And that storage shed looks to be well made. I hope you take one at a time out this spring and summer and give them a good run. Enjoy the ride.


Thanks. I mow all summer with one and use another to move trailers around.


I will need to get a proper schedule for getting the rest out and keeping them all active.


I keep telling myself that I will pick out a couple of my favorites to keep and sell the rest but all of the machines that I have restored end up being my favorites so I can't bring myself to sell them.



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After all the blood, sweat, and tears you've put into them, that's understandable.  :occasion-xmas:

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, cleat said:



I keep telling myself that I will pick out a couple of my favorites to keep and sell the rest but all of the machines that I have restored end up being my favorites so I can't bring myself to sell them.



Absolutely understandable.


Trina's a pretty wicked minimalist and she doesn't like keeping extras of most things around. Tractors though? I thought about giving away a couple of mine but she says, why?... We've got the space.

Edited by ebinmaine
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Handy Don
8 hours ago, ebinmaine said:


Logical question? :)

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Retired Wrencher



have restored end up being my favorites so I can't bring myself to sell them: I can relate to that . Always hard to let go of some after putting so much labor into to them. Enjoy the ride.






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c-series don

I have many Wheel Horse tractors, sometimes I think too many. Then I think I should sell some. Then every time I get on one of the ones that I haven’t used in a while I think no I can’t sell this one, I like this one. After that I realize that I really am addicted to this great hobby of ours!! 

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12 hours ago, c-series don said:

I have many Wheel Horse tractors, sometimes I think too many. Then I think I should sell some. Then every time I get on one of the ones that I haven’t used in a while I think no I can’t sell this one, I like this one. After that I realize that I really am addicted to this great hobby of ours!! 


The :wh: Redsquare Creed:




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