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It takes 2 years to sprout, 3 on average to harvest anything worth eating.  We tend to plant a little every so often.  This year, 50 seeds (1.5 grams) was $2.99 a pack. I got three, and realized it was way not enough.  I found 1/4 lb on Amazon for 18.95 delivered.  I’ll be sowing those later and discing them in.



I am curious as to how they will germinate.  They were harvested “for 2023”.





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Kev do the deer like chomping on it?

Anything here without and electric fence just pretty much is gone

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Handy Don

My dad had a nice big asparagus patch. It was the only vegetable we kids were not required to eat--he would happily eat it all. He let some of it go to seed every year so that it would keep on producing. After he sold the property, the new owners tried to plant grass. Hah! They had asparagus come up through the grass for several years.

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Posted (edited)

For one thing you do not plant asparagi seed bro... is not that the plural of asparagus??? :lol: ...you plant roots. 

Walmart usually has them 4 roots for 3 bucks. 

You really want to know how to grow it  I'll give you pumpkin farmer's number. He's got a 1/2 acre plot to die for so I just go and coon some & usually get Dan a bushel basket full.

He just planted another row and it's up already. 

Yes Joe the deer chomped my meager row so i just quit trying and gave all my roots to the neighbor. 

Bacon wrapped on the smoker with Dan's heart attack loaf is the only way to fly....B)



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Handy Don
6 minutes ago, WHX?? said:

Bacon wrapped



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@WHX?? I’m aware of the root plantings… some jack wagon plowed through my patch in the garden if you can believe it :lol:  This will be a dedicated asparagus patch, all separate from plow day traffic :orcs-cheers:

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4 minutes ago, Handy Don said:


Got that right Don.


Another thing Kev is whoever told you to disc them in is on crack. 

You plant it in ROWS! 

Go check out u tube on proper planting instead of posting vids on  proper way to cut yer toenails. 


More and pics when I get done cooning today. 

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2 minutes ago, Pullstart said:

some jack wagon plowed through my patch in the garden i

Guys a moron... sides twant no garden unless it was trying to cultivate scrap iron & racing tires....:laughing-rolling:

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36 minutes ago, WHX?? said:

Got that right Don.


Another thing Kev is whoever told you to disc them in is on crack. 

You plant it in ROWS! 

Go check out u tube on proper planting instead of posting vids on  proper way to cut yer toenails. 


More and pics when I get done cooning today. 

Bahh, I’d rather plant it so I look for it like an Easter egg hunt :handgestures-thumbupright:

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Ed Kennell

. You say Sparegus ?    I rode to the farm and bought a doz eggs and a few veggi plants yesterday.  When I paid the lady, she said "Vood Ya like Sum Sparegus".


Yep ! 


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Posted (edited)

Punkin farmers plot. Pic doesn't fo it justice.  Picked sixteen lbs today. 

60 lbs for the year. 

Up early this year. 




A new row planted two weeks ago.

I take the Brinly and plow the deepest furrow I can. He then puts a layer of cow manure in with a thin layer of dirt on top. Then the roots and back fill. 


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Roots are very long and can grow to 24 inches deep. They like well drained soil and might die out if drowned in your swamp out back Kev. 

Used to be to fertilized with salt believe it or not but this is no longer recommended.

Theory has it that's why it grows wild on road sides well. Run off of road salt. 


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