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312-8 ignition and charging

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new to horses

I need to know which wiring diagram is for my tractor… I have a 312-8 model 73363. I need an ignition switch and need to know which peg should be labeled as what…



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If it has the original switch it should have a connector that will let you unplug and plug all up at once. I am a beginner but  the second schematic has you covered with wire color and location. Someone with more knowledge should be along shortly with a switch number and info. Enjoy your tractor!

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2 hours ago, new to horses said:

I need an ignition switch and need to know which peg should be labeled as what


The top diagram that you posted is for an engine with a battery powered ignition. (The engine has an automotive style ignition coil.)


The lower diagram is for a magneto ignition. (the ignition coil runs off from the flywheel.) This should be the correct diagram for you tractor, unless the engine has been changed. You will require a switch for a magneto coil, It must have an M and a G terminal on it. Your new switch will have letters stamped on to the terminals B-battery, G-ground, S-start, M-magneto, etc. If you are not buying a direct replacement, you may have to move the wires in your existing plug to match up with the new switch.

Edited by Achto
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new to horses

What kind of solenoid do I need??

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Messed up

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new to horses
5 hours ago, Achto said:


The top diagram that you posted is for an engine with a battery powered ignition. (The engine has an automotive style ignition coil.)


The lower diagram is for a magneto ignition. (the ignition coil runs off from the flywheel.) This should be the correct diagram for you tractor, unless the engine has been changed. You will require a switch for a magneto coil, It must have an M and a G terminal on it. Your new switch will have letters stamped on to the terminals B-battery, G-ground, S-start, M-magneto, etc. If you are not buying a direct replacement, you may have to move the wires in your existing plug to match up with the new switch.

What kind of solenoid do I need?? I need one of those too…

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953 nut

Here is a bit of information that should help. You can get a new lawn mower solenoid at Home depot or lowe's as well as ant auto parts store.


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