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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2024 in Classfieds

  1. 1 point
    I am the second owner of this Wheelhorse 520H. It has always been stored indoors and is complete. I would not be selling this if it weren't for an engine problem that has developed. I had it diagnosed at a local Toro repair shop. They said it has a bad intake valve or valve seat and is only running on one cylinder. It has always run fantastic until this year. Still drives and can load on trailer. I am hoping someone in the St. Louis MO area can save this, otherwise I will be parting it out. 20HP Onan engine 60" deck headlights and gauges work 20240416_125646_834620517460053.mp4
  2. 1 point
    Posting for my neighbor. Both original tractors run. The 1947 Case Orchard Model has new tires and rims. The 1939 JD H model has original tires. has 1939 original tires.
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