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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2019 in Posts

  1. 10 points
  2. 9 points
    FIRED?? Ha! Don't threaten me with a good time
  3. 8 points
    Came home to a wee-bit-o-snow to clear....maybe 1-1/2”. Been a slow winter as far as snowfalls and I was bored, so decided to snap a couple glamour shots
  4. 8 points
    So you bring it out for some snow plow shots but the driveway isn't plowed???? You're fired as Admin Sparks!
  5. 7 points
    He are a few pictures from the Lebanon tractor expo from this weekend enjoy.
  6. 7 points
    What a funny bunch of guys you all are. But hey, any chance to get some seat time right?? Even if it’s just an inch and a half of snow
  7. 7 points
    I'm not sure if I should admit this John but maybe he's got that CRS like I do. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've gone from one place to another with full intention of accomplishing a task and arrived at the secondary location with no idea in the entire wide world why I was actually there. I'm not saying I would forget to plow the driveway like @Sparky claims he did not, but... Maybe.
  8. 6 points
    @Sparky @wallfish @VinsRJ @grnlark @stevebo etc... etc... Whose with me... I can see a 1/2 dozen of these in OD Green tearing thru my back woods with steel pot helmets during a meet and greet. Definitely a copy of the Roof Palomino (I know Wheel Horse had a Jeep Mower too---was it a Roof?)
  9. 6 points
    Don't let these ruffians coerce you Mike. The sun can handle that little dusting of snow.
  10. 5 points
    The girls and I have been studying astronomy in science this year. It’ been fun! If you get any good pictures feel free to post them here!
  11. 5 points
    Someone say snow cones?
  12. 5 points
    Just for my friends That's why it's only one
  13. 5 points
  14. 5 points
    This Allis does a much better cut in this unattended field than my LA175 does on a managed lawn.
  15. 5 points
    Forgot to put the blade down. He's gettin old!
  16. 4 points
    Checked out an estate liquidation today. Just need to fix a price, then bring it home.
  17. 4 points
    Who didn't see that coming?
  18. 4 points
    Dear Frank, You will soon have a sealed up fuel tank, thanks to KBS coating system and your main sponsor Pullstart.
  19. 4 points
    We need @19richie66 to chime in with his snow cone picture...
  20. 4 points
    @oliver2-44 are you talking about the GT mafia? I resemble that remark!
  21. 4 points
    Me TOO, I need to get in on this before the BS rift raft drools on it
  22. 4 points
    Before putting JB Weld in scratch the key way up with some rough sand paper. Clean the key way thoroughly with lacquer thinner or brake cleaner. Then let air for an hour to let the trace elements of those cleaners to evaporate out of the metal pores (They can act as a release agent).
  23. 3 points
    Sounds like the perfect curriculum to me. Beats the life out of the state’s curriculum. Hey, need any teachers or aides to help out Kevin? I know a guy... wait a minute, now I sound like @oldredrider😂!
  24. 3 points
    Nothin against home schooling fellas but I gotta wonder about his curriculum... truck loading 101....venison butchering 102... horse thieving 204...
  25. 3 points
    Living in the country away from artificial lights, last night the moon was especially big and bright. No way to take a picture of that. You could have done just about anything you wanted to it was so illuminated from the moon's reflected light off the snow. It was almost like the sun was on a dimmer. Trees cast shadows, hardly able to describe just what a beautiful night it was. Clear Cold STILL and Peaceful
  26. 3 points
    It's been a long time so my eyesight and skills have eroded quite a bit. Takes much longer now. Anything with a curve takes longer and needs extra toothpicks since the only way to curve them is to actually break them. Quite a few don't make it. Not sure what I was think'n doing an RJ. Much easier to do a square hood. Here's the beginning of the hood. The square piece near the edge of the desk is an engine block This is half of the trans "casting" in the vise drying. Yes it's much easier to make a block and sand it to shape but it looses some appeal that way. Just looks better with rounded pieces. Pre Axle tube. It appears to be one piece when it's finished but it's actually 4 toothpicks to form a square and then sanded to get the right size dowel. The axle tube is one solid piece and goes all the way through the trans body.
  27. 3 points
    The BBQ was good , the ride over with @squonkwas an adventure.
  28. 3 points
    My guess Dick. John's making 100 of them to give away at the SHOW.
  29. 3 points
    We had a bunch of guys working when we used to do hotel work. So a bunch of bored 20 somethings on the road tend to do stupid things. Anyway, a new guy came aboard and after a week of hearing prank stories he said I could never get him. HA! I kept telling him when you least expect it, expect it and I'm gonna get you good now. Everyday for for about 2 1/2 weeks he would tear through his hotel room from top to bottom trying to find something. Everything from pulling all the bed sheets to moving furniture. Everyday I just kept telling him today's the day! Finally on the day we were leaving I left a note in a place not very easy to find and tough to get to. He came down to the lobby with the note and gave me the $50 we bet. The note stated the joke was having him tear his room apart everyday and sometimes twice a day for a couple of weeks. He had to move some heavy a$$ furniture to find that note too! So, one of the best pranks was actually doing no prank at all.
  30. 3 points
    Hey Ed I've got a big 20 foot landscape trailer, that I might loan out if the price is right, ( Wheel Horse of course ), Iv'e even got a big truck to pull it if your poor old Ford can't good luck eric j
  31. 3 points
    Thanks Jay, I often wondered if anyone tried the repair. Glad it worked for you. I never got to test the axle I restored as I sold the tranny before I got to use it. I do still have pis of the repair. Before The dummy brass key After
  32. 3 points
    Sorry, that data is CLASSIFIED.
  33. 3 points
    Wait a minute there Jim. I thought this year was going to be your first trip. Say, you been sending spies on us horesaholics? I have to pack a couple of extra bibs to keep the drool off of the tractors!
  34. 3 points
    You can keep the snow and I will plow my garden. Better to have something to eat instead of snow ice cream.
  35. 3 points
    Caught up to the owner in NC this morning. Still negotiating....
  36. 3 points
    It's technically a "blue tractor", but it's Toro under the paint. Built myself a snow cab to not get snow blown in my face. I have about 500' of driveway to keep clear (including the loop up front, where the mailman comes). The cab has an acrylic windshield with an old Ford truck wiper arm, manually driven. The sides and back were 4 mil vinyl, but that froze and then tore in the last deep freeze, so I'm replacing with fiber reinforced clear tarp (14 mil). Replaced the battery this year, and so far it's fired up whenever I've needed it.
  37. 3 points
    Temp repair. Like EB said drill and tap a second hole 90 degrees out for a second set screw. Put JB weld in the key way push the woodruff key in keeping it straight. let it set then grind off any excess. Put the hub back on and cross your fingers.
  38. 3 points
    @wallfish , Same Days Inn that I'm at?? Great .....gotta move now, the neighborhood just went downhill!
  39. 3 points
    Do you have the NYLON CAM (5995) adjusted so that it makes FULL range UP / DOWN travel. Play around with adjusting the CONCENTRIC (5996) to adjust this...MAYBE that will help. There is a SH set screw to make the adjustment.
  40. 3 points
    I'm with the other guys Ed ..get it all on your trailer then to the BS. Bet you'll get your investment back with some left over for something nice for Mrs K!
  41. 3 points
    I wasn’t able to attend but my friend sent me a couple of horse pics from the show. Those round hoods look good! Their red paint stands out in the crowd.
  42. 3 points
    @JCM make sure you find the Vintage Trucks thread if you haven’t checked it out already. There is about 9 pages of cool trucks that members own, owned, or wish they owned! I have had my Goat for just over two decades now and it feels like a member of the family... If I could afford it, I’d own several muscle cars. However, I don’t have the space or the finances to do that. I’m thankful that I’ve been able to keep this one through the years and bring home each one of my kids from the hospital in it following their birth. ENTER GT’s: they are awesome because they scratch that mechanical itch that I get to restore and rebuild stuff at a fraction of the cost and you need far less storage space!
  43. 2 points
    Thanks This should give it some scale. And, got the axle ends done. A small detail that most will never notice but the more detail the better they look.
  44. 2 points
  45. 2 points
    One more Sonny Landreth tune, this one from his From the Reach album. You may be able to recognize Dr. John on piano and background vocals, and Jimmy Buffett on background vocals, and a guy named Steve Conn playing organ who I'd never heard of for some unexplained reason until I heard this album:
  46. 2 points
    @JCM I had forgotten that you had posted that there. It sure is a beauty and superbly cared for through the decades. Well done. To keep on topic, I have noticed many overlaps as well—vintage cars, second amendment rights, woodworking, hunting, fishing, the desire to own and maintain finely crafted “made in the USA” items, and a general care and respect for others. This is a great forum for many reasons, not the least of which is the great group of guys that comprise it! Even though we are a quirky group! i have about 18 hours of home videos from 15 years ago on Hi-8 tapes that I need to get converted to digital format soon. I’m worried the taped will deteriorate to the point where they will be unwatchable. Too much great family history on there to lose it...
  47. 2 points
    I've been testing out a Yamaha receiver for my friend and fellow tunahead Jon, and spending a lot of time listening to a couple of Sonny Landreth CDs I got for Christmas. Here's a couple of my favorites from his Bound By the Blues album. I got a chance to see him live recently, with the same guys on these first two videos, and I'm glad I did finally. For some reason, I was really entertained by the drummer, he just seemed to be having so much fun, and really creative.
  48. 2 points
    Well, the steering wheel is taken care of. Thanks @Chris G! I’ll soak this one and try to give it a pull. Who knows, might need it sometime down the road.
  49. 2 points
  50. 2 points
    There is nothing wrong with the big Briggs Twins! When I was a kid my parents had an 18hp vertical on a Yardman, great engine and lasted a very long time mowing four acres, twice a year. Maintenance is the key! I think what gives the Briggs twins a bad reputation is that a good number of them were installed in cheaper riders that were purchased by people who were too cheap/little know-how to properly maintain it.
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