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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2017 in Posts

  1. 13 points
    I Just joined a RV forum because of our up coming travel plans after my wife retires. I have to say that between this site and that one You guys hands down are the best running forum on the web. It is so easy to use on this site compared to others I have joined. It is not because it is a new forum it is the way this site is laid out. Like when you comment on your post you can scroll up and put in members names in the post to include them in the discussion. Oher site`s you can not. So thanks and keep up the good work.
  2. 7 points
    There is no doubt that the overall organization and control of this forum is nothing short of outstanding and one would not realize that if we did not belong to other forums. It is all a part of the constant work vigilance and vision of the Administrators and Moderators and it is very much appreciated. We have however to also give credit to the membership for much of it. Even though there are instances where Moderators have to step in to stop occasional squabbles fortunately those are few and far in between, usually caused by seemingly harmless inoffensive comments that same take exception to. Some of us are more sensitive than others. I found however in all the years I have been a member that here is a different type of crowd. With all of the respect to our younger members, a vast majority of members here are well "seasoned" individuals full of wisdom that only comes from that "seasoning" and a lifetime of learning many different skills and values. And don't underestimate the "values" part of it. One does not have to browse through too many of the posts to immediately come across comments to indicate that we have a lot of good human beings here. I think and hope that it is contagious. A big difference to other forums, I found that it is also the willingness and easiness with which knowledge is shared. That is and should be the purpose of any forum, and not a place to just show off your stuff or worst criticize others. Knowledge is not ours, we are only the caretakers of it while we are in this world, and it is our obligation to take care of it, improve on it, and ensure that it is passed on. Hoarding of it creates self serving dangerous individuals. There is also a willingness to learn and help. Being able to accept being corrected is just as important as sharing information. A great contributing factor is also that because of the yearly show, so many of us know each other .We know their families and in many cases over the years watched little children with tractors that are now adults. Lastly I am still convinced that there is something to these little red tractors that bring out the best in all of us.
  3. 6 points
  4. 6 points
    When I first joined the forum, I didn't realize this. I asked a kinda stupid question, and somebody gave some rather odd advice. I thought that I was getting trolled, so I replied about taking the advice and going further with the joke. Then.... I realized that it wasn't a joke. It was just nice guys being straightforward. I had to leave my computer and go talk with my wife about this oddly helpful and innocent place on the internet.
  5. 5 points
    im with ed on it being a planter, the engine looks like its just thrown on for shitsngiggles
  6. 5 points
    Karl has provided us with a first class site and all of our Moderators add to the value of time spent on the site.
  7. 5 points
    I also started watching Nascar in the 70's. I never really had a favorite drive until Dale Earnhardt came along. I knew the very first time I saw him out on the track that he was my guy. I followed Nascar intensely until his death. I even bought me a black Monte SS that the wife, my son Jesse and myself would take to the races. I would add a giant magnetic #3 to the doors on race day. My son Jesse was a Gordon fan and would always ask me why we can't put a 24 on the door and I'd always tell him its because his car ain't black... Like smoreau, after Earnhardts death I mostly stopped watching except for the Daytona 500 and the Bristol races.. You can now take the Daytona 500 off my list. Cookie cutter cars, cookie cutter tracks and cookie cutter drivers seems to be what they want to push these days... Like Craig said, another fine example of everyone gets a trophy ain't working... Back in the day you had a lot more colorful drivers with some attitude....
  8. 5 points
    My opinion; NO! The thingie that is attached at the front is a draw bar, not a tiller and those steel wheels would suffer from a low coefficient of friction resulting in poor traction; but it would be some great yard art!
  9. 5 points
    Just another example of where... "everybody gets a trophy" isn't working?
  10. 4 points
    So I finally got around to fixing that rotted/rusted out elbow/spout on the 520H I bought last spring (with 236 hours then now has 295) that sat out in the weather for 10-15 years, anyway I believe it will outlast the muffler now, .080 wall mild stainless steel (guess that makes it a custom upgrade lol) welded up to where the original set, Jeff.
  11. 4 points
    There seems to be a complete absence of trolls here. I do not know how you do it. Even when i may post something that i find to later be incorrect, there may be a disagreement with the information, but no put down to me personally. There is one website about Honda twin motorcycles that one person has more than 20,000 posts. Many of his replies to questions are "send me a PM and i can help you".-- a real waste of time if you are trying to learn anything by the experience of others. I think people are smart enough to separate very experienced a knowledgeable posters from those just trying to help [and occasionally being wrong]. There is really no need to be your own cheerleader by putting someone else down personally. That is what I like about this place the most.
  12. 4 points
    These were in the 1979 brochure, but I don't think Wheel Horse ever made a C-171 Twin. I pulled most of these pictures that I could find of the C-171T from my 1979 brochure. It would be a shame to not to document this tractor, even though it probably never was made for mass production. Enjoy maybe the only pictures of this never made Wheel Horse.
  13. 4 points
    Good Lord willing I`ll be there. Fair warning for you 1st timers...you`ll be home about three days before you quit smiling ...but we`ll be gentle...
  14. 4 points
  15. 3 points
  16. 3 points
    That is a true statement, sort of. The series of holes in the face of those wheels were attachment points for cleats. Without them you are going Nowhere!
  17. 3 points
    Shouldn't be that way. Is the belt guard in place and adjusted so it is close to the belt by the engine pulley?
  18. 3 points
    Imagine if all newer tractors were made by MTD and painted different colors, you would have NASCAR. Wait a minute.........
  19. 3 points
    Picked up another this past weekend. Believe it's an 1987 or higher due to the m10s motor. Had an ignition switch problem. Got it up and running. Just have to put it all back together now. My wife now thinks I have a problem...whoops. 😂
  20. 3 points
    Steel wheels were common at one point - although those look pretty skinny.
  21. 3 points
    Installed the bar this morning. Found the lift assembly has a broken weld at the support pivot bar to the lift arm.. SMH... I'm sure I'll find more broken welds on this 2300hr beast. Here is the result. There's a 25# weight up front. I thought there wasn't anything.
  22. 3 points
    Thanks Gary! Maybe I'm partial because I "work here" but I agree. I'm a member of motorcycle forums, Corvette forums and Dodge truck forums and their rules are in place (like ours here at Red Square) but not enforced. I see arguments breakout all the time with all the 4 letter swear words getting posted and it really distracts from the forum. I only go there to get answers now and rarely participate in any general discussions. Mike.......
  23. 3 points
  24. 3 points
    Get rid of the Chase,lucky dogs, wave a-rounds, timed repairs. Start awarding points for every lap led. Add lots of points to the race winner giving him separation from finishing 2nd. If there are 32 races, only count a drivers best 30 finishes towards the championship. Let the teams throwout their 2 worst runs. Quite often a team has a couple of bad runs early in the year and they are out of it by April. Emphasize leading laps and winning instead of awarding running around in a circle for 3 hrs. and finishing 10th.
  25. 3 points
    That is a wheelasaurus. Recognizable by the perforated wheels, of Flintsone design.
  26. 3 points
    Translation... Howard had a great time there, and be sure to bring your tractor.
  27. 2 points
    I've been wanting some rear wheel weights for some time. Bit hard to find this side of the pond and if you do find some, silly money usually asked. So with ploughing match coming up at the end of this month, I thought I'd better get something sorted. At a local Land Rover specialists I extracted two Freelander rear disc/drums from his scrap bin. Free! At an engineering shop that specialises in vintage machinery, I obtained a couple of pulleys. £5 each. Pulleys were as bolted to disc/drums. Pulleys drilled and taped to take studs to fasten weights to wheels. Before going any further a trial fit. The weight is not secured, hence the gap at the top. Leaning out a bit. Today I changed the bolts holding disc/drum to pulley. Fitting longer ones and refitting the opposite way round. The reason for the longer bolts is that I was going to fill the drums with lead. With the bolt threads protruding into the drum, the molten lead would flow round the thread and be held in place when cooled. Lead was then melted in to the drums. I only had enough to half fill each drum. But it gave me a total weight of approximately 32lb each weight. That should suffice, but if more needed more can be added. The exposed face of the lead looked rough, so to tidy things up, I cut two discs out of a couple of feed tub plastic lids, to make two covers. In each weight, two off the bolts sticking into the drum, protruded through the lead. With nuts, these are used to secure the covers. Painting is now in progress and I will post photo's when done.
  28. 2 points
  29. 2 points
    What do you think this is? The owner is calling it an original garden tractor.
  30. 2 points
    If it wasn't for this site I wouldn't know anything about the history of all the red horses. I thought I inherited just a tractor last year... but it grew on me and have bought attachments and learned so much about them because of the site. I didnt even know there was a "big show" til last year. I thank everyone for their help and the forum.
  31. 2 points
    Hello everyone! I've been checking out the forum or a year or so now and finally decided to join up. I got my 1991 312-Hydro from my Grandmother In Law a few years back when we purchased our first home and this little tractor has shocked me. It has never failed to start and do it's job. Now that I'm hooked I started looking for the attachments for this little guy. How rare is the tiller attachment for this? I've seen a few but it seems they are pretty scarce. I would love to pick one up to do some gardening and some landscaping around my house. Maybe a restoration will come this this guy in the near future. Any tips and tricks would be much appreciated . On a side note I may have found it too late but I'm second in line to go check out a 87ish 310-8 with a tiller and snow blade for $400. Hopefully I can pick that up! Thank!
  32. 2 points
    All of it...That is why this is the ONLY forum I use...Never any social media junk... The mods and the users are simply great people who want to help and learn - no other agenda...(well, except maybe getting more 's)...But that's an addiction problem and I am sure they are on this site seeking help with their "problem"...
  33. 2 points
    If you're going to drive it around, put it into gear before starting the motor. That way you won't shift with motor running. This is what happens without the belt guard ...
  34. 2 points
    I go back to the days of Fireball, Junior Johnson, Pearson, the Yarbourough's, Petty, Buddy Baker and the Allison's. It was run it until it blew or the race was over.
  35. 2 points
    Jo and I will be there Thursday thru Saturday Brian
  36. 2 points
    @wheelhorseman1000 Sells two different styles of Brinly hitches for tractors. If you are handy with fab work here is a drawing.also.
  37. 2 points
    Welcome to the wheel horse family! you got a good deal on the package for sure. That was the good news. Now for the bad Your hydro most likely is dun worn out and will need rebuilt or replaced. There are a few threads on dyi rebuilds here and are very thorough. Or you can replace. It really depends on how handy you are. You most likely won't find a hydro gear pump for a gt14 but any hydrogear pump can be converted to fit, preferably off a 70-72 12hp tractor as they are close in pump capacity. Once you have a good hydro under you, you'll be happy you did. The gt14 handles a tiller and loader very well. I forgot, you can also convert it to the piston to piston style. But to do that you need not only the pump but the drive gear out of the trans it came off of. Which means splitting the case to convert it to the newer style Good luck!
  38. 2 points
    The first bit of advice would be to change the fluid and filter. If the fluid is a pink color it should be replaced with Dextron ATF, if it is amber you should use 10W30 ( you will need a gallon ). The filter will be a NAPA 1410. There could be more that needs to be done, but this must be done to know where you stand.
  39. 2 points
    Since we had another thread asking the same question, I merged the two together and placed the merged thread in the proper forum.
  40. 2 points
    If you get a chance at the Big Show, do yourself a favor and stop by Zeek's tent to check out his tractors and his top notch work in person. You will have a hard time finding a nicer paint job anywhere at the show period. You would think a high end body shop did all the work... Nope, Rustoleum thru a gun and lots of attention to detail. Love the caps Zeek!
  41. 2 points
    Safe to say a few of us will be in attendance!
  42. 2 points
    The rears . . . the NOS tag calls them 12", but when you measure the actual diameter, it's closer to 10". The picture is probably a little deceiving. I took off all the metal clips and used little pieces of rubber trim with rubber cement to keep them on the cap. I then carefully spread the tab just enough to make them snug. Most of them were pretty good as they were because the rubber is about as thick as the metal clips were. Nubbies . . .I'll have to bust out the shaver
  43. 2 points
    I went ahead and made myself one of these... Couldn't find any 1/4" x 1.25". So I used 1/4" x 1.5" Put my plow on my 520h today. Will be giving this a test run tomorrow with the hydraulics.
  44. 2 points
    They go in & they don't come out.
  45. 2 points
  46. 2 points
    I'll have a load of RED JUNKE.
  47. 2 points
    bit of work on the propshaft - a steering column shaft that's telescopic and just about the right scale (mower PTO shafts are rare here in the UK) I've turned the clamp off and added a flange.
  48. 2 points
    Cleaned up the 312-H this weekend. Really shocked with how it came out.
  49. 1 point
    Here's a couple for you fussy. Primed with red oxide.
  50. 1 point
    My wife spent most of the time chatting with Mrs. Stevasaurus and the many that wandered through the canopy. She's not a nut over Wheel Horses but she does appreciate them and enjoyed watching all the kids play with them, big and little, old and young. I'm pretty lucky. She even told me she enjoyed seeing me have so much fun.
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