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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2016 in Posts

  1. 10 points
    https://ca.news.yahoo.com/farming-tragedy-came-worlds-largest-090000823.html Garry
  2. 7 points
    Well I got it on my buld table and started the tear down. Only thing getting in my way rite now is the roll pin in the steering wheel is locked and some one broke a punch off it the other side ! But my snap,on man says he can get me a bit to drill it out. This was a one owner and man it show it ! Everything is solid and not worn out like most you see. Also being in a shed for 30+ years helped. Can someone tell me how to find the year on this or if its a 400 or 550 . Here are some pics. I will keep you all posted if you like.
  3. 7 points
    Here in the middle of show season, and seeing so many people comment about something being a "calendar shot" or "calendar worthy" I thought I'd post up a place for people to submit recommendations for calendar pictures for 2017. We also benefit from not scrambling for pictures when it comes time to make the calendar! If you're going to post here, please use the highest resolution or picture size possible. If you can't upload a high res picture due to size restrictions, feel free to PM me for my email address and you can send it directly to me to put in here. Feel free to post links to threads containing pictures you'd like to recommend, or simply copy and past them into your post. They should (hopefully) just copy over in the HTML of the post. edit:.... please submit only one photo in each post, with names/model numbers. Please keep commentary to a minimum in this thread and show your appreciation for pictures posted by simply clicking the LIKE button. Located conveniently right here. || || || || \ / \/ Thanks!
  4. 7 points
    Hello everyone! I have a 1965 Wheel Horse 1075 that I have restored after it sat out in a cattle pasture for about 30 years. I have brought it to the wheel horse show at the South Mountain fairgrounds in Arendtsville, PA twice so far.
  5. 6 points
    I think I fixed my Issue with mobility and the seat my father-in-law Took the seat off and drilled two holes further back then we reset the seat. I still have an issue putting my legs over the transmission area but I figured out that while while I'm on the seat if I take my right hand and place it underneath the fender on the right side and rotate my legs completely over the steering wheel and drop them down on each side that's going to be the easiest way although I look like I'm doing something for the Olympics it works I'll just have to get used to it here are some pictures of the modified seat . I also forgot to mention that I also have to place the mower deck lever all the way forward to do this.
  6. 5 points
    Pictures from the UTC thresheree in Symco Wisconsin. On the show grounds known as Unionville The down town street in Unionville The lumber used to build this mill was all cut with the saw mill on the show grounds. Making flour inside the mill Some night time entertainment on their outdoor stage The steel bridge that was moved to the grounds from a near by highway after it was decommissioned by the state. The tractor on top is a real tractor not a lighted cut out. PeacemakerJack and his son turning some ground on GhostRider. Jack was nice enough to let me do a little plowing with this sweet machine. Thanks again Jack! My line up of garden tractors This Roof Palomino was very cool. For those who don't know this is a garden tractor. Attachments include 60" deck, push blade & more. Definitely one of my bucket list tractors. Ford & doodle bugs were the feature. This 1920's Ford is running a silo filler Some Doodle Bugs Very nice work on this MF Sign does the talking on this one This started out life as a GE electric tractor. Uses a speed increasing gear box to the rear end, and a dead mans clutch A little fun time with my Rat Rod Suburban. Like most shows you can't get pic's of every thing. Check out the UTC post in General shows & events for more pics.
  7. 5 points
    6-12's on my short frame tractor work well for getting around. Really easy on the turf with no tire slippage, Climbs up and through anything I have. Haven't really worked them hard yet...but maybe some day...
  8. 5 points
    One last item that my buddy worked out with a guy we met through the auction. A 1988 520H with a RD deck that was located down the road. Really good condition and everything but the lights seem to work. Nothing like unloading one of these in the middle of the night.
  9. 5 points
    8-2-1992 Jackie Joyner-Kersee wins gold in heptathlon, again On this day in 1992, Jackie Joyner-Kersee becomes the first woman ever to win two consecutive Olympic gold medals in the heptathlon. Born and raised in East St. Louis, Jackie Joyner overcame poverty and chronic asthma to win a scholarship to UCLA, where she starred on the basketball and track teams. (Jackie was not the only standout athlete in her family: Her brother Al was a six-time NCAA champion in track at Arkansas State University.) At her first Olympics in Los Angeles in 1984, the 22-year-old Joyner, running on a sore hamstring, missed the gold in the heptathlon by just five points: She scored a 6,385 to Australian Glynis Nunn’s 6,390. The Joyner family was not shut out of gold, however. Jackie’s brother Al, who would later marry sprinting sensation Florence Griffith, brought home top honors in the triple jump. In 1986, Joyner married UCLA track coach Bob Kersee, who became her trainer. Two years later, after winning the 1987 world championships in the long jump and the heptathlon, Joyner-Kersee won gold in both events at the Seoul Olympics. Her 7,291 points set a new world record for the heptathlon and her jump of 24’3 ” was a new Olympic best. Four years later, Joyner-Kersee entered the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona the heavy favorite to win heptathlon gold. Now a seasoned veteran of the circuit, she led the field for the entire event. On August 2, the second day of competition, Joyner-Kersee started the day with a long jump of 23’3 “, good for first place. Prior to her final jump, though, she was run into while sprinting next to her rival Sabine Braun of Germany. Braun had defeated an injured Joyner-Kersee at the 1991 world championships, and the bump was later deemed “psychological warfare” by Bob Kersee. It was no matter to his wife, though: She overcame a poor finish in the shot-put by finishing the 800 meters in a respectable 2:11, which gave her a total of 7,044 points and the gold medal. It was only the seventh time that a woman had scored 7,000 points in the heptathlon, and the sixth time Joyner-Kersee had broken the barrier.
  10. 4 points
    A set of rear tire chains are much cheaper than a pair of new bar tires. I put chains on my turf tires to till the garden with rear mounted tiller and have no trouble. I have long slopped gravel driveway and large concrete pad in front of house and the chains work very well to blade or snow throw in the winter. I don't have a pull behind dirt plow however so my comment may be all wet..... Well, I can't spell sloped either.... I've already slopped the pigs......
  11. 4 points
    Pretty sure he's talking about moldboard plowing..... It's really a case by case kind of question. Some guys swear by their turf tires with chains for ground breaking, others say you have to go bar tread tires and just keep adding weight. It's all dependent on what works best in your soil conditions.
  12. 4 points
    Another vote for a good cleaning and reassembly here... they're only original once, and that is definitely too clean to restore.
  13. 4 points
    ...and another one here. Awesome picts Achto.
  14. 4 points
    This is such a nice survivor,,,,,,dismantel it....clean everything up....and reassemble it,,,,,,,no paint...... I envy you and this excellent find.....Dont get me wrong....I love a shiney tractor...... But i see a true gem under the little dirt and grim that is here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Good luck...what ever happens,,,this is a cleaner and straighter round hood than what most guys have after their rescue efforts,,,,,Craig says it best,,,,,save a piece of history ,,,,,,,,,,,, thanks for sharing..... Howard 857 Horse in VA..............
  15. 3 points
    Thanks for the info
  16. 3 points
    I really expected to see more pictures from this auction.... there had to be members there.
  17. 3 points
    The show grounds are amazing and the working displays are fantastic. I have attended the Florida Flywheelers events before and love their facility, but this may be even nicer. Calendar shot for sure! Thanks for taking us along.
  18. 3 points
    Just a heads up for you to BE CAREFUL. I moved my seat back on a Raider !0 as I was too fat, too old , or maybe both to even get on the darn thing. Then one day i was on a slope with the front end elevated and decided to get off the mower. Because the seat was moved rearward, when I leaned back and swung my leg over the steering wheel, the seat pan latch let loose and I dropped right on my tail bone. It took me an hour to somehow get in the truck and drive home and three weeks to be able to lift any kind of weight..I consider myself very lucky not to require surgery to fix things Just add a 14" bolt with a stop nut to hold the seat pan on and it just tales a minute to remove and then tilt the seat pan back.to check the gear lube level.
  19. 3 points
    You've got a good father inlaw to drill those two holes. Does he have a drill press? I drilled the spring steel mounts on a 312 without the help of a drill press and boy I had one heck of a time drilling through those two pieces of steel. And of course it was about 100 degrees while I was doing it, so that made the whole thing that much more painful. LOL
  20. 3 points
    Here's a few of my show pics.
  21. 3 points
  22. 2 points
    A bit late for this one, but file this away for reassembly time. High temperature thread-locker was used on these machine screws; warming them up with a torch will break the bond and you can break them free while warm. When it goes back together you will want to use some.
  23. 2 points
    Are you in a hurry?? It is worth waiting if you can't salvage what you have for the right piece to come along. Try an ad in the "Want Ads" someone may have the piece. I'm going to do some investigation...maybe I can figure something else out for you.
  24. 2 points
    Sorry, as you can see in my avatar, I am always thinking about the white stuff. Your 857 will do good in the white stuff also.
  25. 2 points
    I like bar tires for ground engaging and snow removal, and straight treads for lawn care. I have used chain, but you need to keep an eye on them as they tend to get loose and can damage fender pans and take out hydro fans.
  26. 2 points
    plowing soil. should have specified.......
  27. 2 points
    It depends on what kind of surface you are plowing. Assuming it is level...blacktop is good with what you have...concrete is also good with what you have and maybe chains...gravel is good with what you have with chains or ags. I've been fine with just tires like yours for years and I have not had to use chains. I have concrete for a surface.
  28. 2 points
    I have some more pics of my haul separated, but I don't have any of the auction scene itself. I got there later than I wanted to so I was too busy looking at items and bidding at the same time. It was a fast paced auction as well. It was nice to meet you Stike. I'm glad the fender worked out for you.
  29. 2 points
    OK, so this guy added the piece to be the same as the other side?? I can't tell in the pictures, but did he slide what goes into the bearing race out also?? Then you need to grind off the welds and slide the piece that goes into the back and weld that...or get another half from Racinfool40. Is that what is going on??
  30. 2 points
    Not a hydro but my 312-8 has pulled a 5x12 landscape trailer with about 1200lbs of wheel horses on it. Trailer + cargo about 2400lbs + or -. Mind you, it was level ground, and I did get pushed about a foot when I tried to stop in the grass. It moves the empty trailer no problem no pushing. The horse is only as strong as its weakest tooth. Lol
  31. 2 points
  32. 2 points
    I also vote for no paint. A good cleaning, a massage with green scotch brite, and an oil rub down.....makes all these old girls come to life and look good. Good luck no matter what you decide and to BTW, when all the else failed, In order to not damage the steering wheels, I have cut the shaft to be able to place the shaft in a vise to drive out the pin and to drive the shaft out of the wheel. Then bevel, weld, and grind the shaft smooth.
  33. 2 points
    @kougar31 The starter drive on the starter may be dirty and not extending into/onto the flywheel when the starter spins. Or, maybe the teeth are worn off the starter drive and not engaging. Disconnect the battery, remove the cable from the starter and remove the starter and see what the starter drive looks like and go from there.
  34. 2 points
    I'll definitely have to look into that I'm not sure but I thought it was some kind of latch does that make a difference or no? I know he a drill with the drillbit about as big as my index finger.
  35. 2 points
    Great solution. I had a seat for my 312h that the holes would not line up. I just redriled like you did and it worked out ok. Funny how a little thirst quencher makes the job so satisfying when it's done.
  36. 2 points
    Don't worry , I won't tell the boss . Someday I might need a favor !
  37. 2 points
    For those of you reading this thread now that it is active again; Do Not Under Any Circumstances Hammer On The End Of The Lift Lever Shaft. The steel is very soft and will mushroom faster than you can say Wheel Horse. If PB Blaster does not penetrate, go to your local Chevy Dealer and buy a can of GM penetrant. That stuff goes where PB Blaster cannot. Once the two sections start twisting just keep spraying the penetrant. It will come apart, just be patient.
  38. 2 points
    Here i sit......1st day of August....looking at pics,,,Wow I finally met Richard,,,,,super great guy....1 state away....Never spoke to Craig untill this year..I enjoyed meeting the Team Rules..Good couple.... We all talk about seat time,,,,well.....at the show lawn chair time is priceless,,,talking with friends,,,this was my best year yet....Road apples spent some time at the Mash Pole Group Therapy tent... and we stayed soooo long,,,,security ask us to go home in the nicest way they could.. I missed the fire pit time...if there was any.....I know i had the energy,,,i took a nap during the day...and later found out a couple of you were keeping an eye on me,,,,making sure I WAS napping !!! Thanks for that,,,friends do that..... well.......its late now...im tired....and i know you guys will let me snooze,,,,,,,,until the am...when the world wants me back........... talk soon.....and thanks to anyone that made a contribution to this thread and my nap time,,,, Howard 857 horse in Va
  39. 2 points
    Nope. It was apart. The guy said he had to weld the piece to the differential to "fix" it, but it lacked about 5/8" going back together. Funny thing is that it wouldn't close by the same amount he added to the dif. That's why I'm thinking it shouldn't have been added.
  40. 2 points
    My father bought a new Norlett Commander in 1974,it had a Briggs and Stratton engine with an electric clutch and 36 inch deck.The engine seized and I eventually gave it to a friend of mine,meanwhile I bought a new Wheelhorse which was identical except for the clutch.I sold it to my brother and it was stolen from his garage,I replaced it with a Wheelhorse 312-8 Kohler in 1987 and still have it today with over 2400 hours-still on the original exhaust.My friend with the Norlett fitted a Kohler engine and associated bracketry which he sourced in the U.S and refurbed it to a very high standard,even galvanising the deck.It is used weekly to cut his lawn He still has the original sales brochure I gave him with the Norlett,I am sure I could scan it to anyone who is interested.
  41. 2 points
    I ended up getting a 657 with a 10hp Tech engine, 1277, belts, fenders(400 series) and hoods(520H,416-8 and 520xi), tire chains, Howard tiller blades, tiller, snow blowers and dozer blades. Prices were cheap on parts. The D160 with the blade went for $475. The rear end was pretty rusty because they had a salt spreader out back.
  42. 2 points
    I thought the crowd would be bigger . Boxes of N.O.S. engine parts were cheep 10-20 average .They did not sell all the parts advertised, I think they sold the obsolete stuff and kept the newer stuff . most collectors were there for the old stuff anyway. I only made one purchase and left by noon , so I didn`t get prices on tractors . I got the 55 rj35 early model with tank stand, aluminum wheel original engine two piece front wheels missing Schnacke recoil and correct intake belt guard and oil bath air filter. I spoke with one of the owners and he said they took it in on trade about 30 years ago and was sitting on a shelf since.
  43. 2 points
    Was nice to finally meet these guys face to face... L-R... Richard(953Nut), Tom(Shynon), and Terry(TerryM).
  44. 2 points
    Ok, been busy with work and all, my pulling tractor, and other projects I am working on. So I have not had time to reply to some of the questions that were asked. I apologize. So, here goes... The new front tires on my 552 I purchased about about a year ago from M.E. Miller Tire off of ebay. They are Firestone Turf Guides. Not sure if Miller still sells them... did not see them on their web site the other day. The tread is quite similar to the original tires that were on the 552 tractor. I liked the fact that they were Firestone branded and that's why I bought them because my dad liked Firestone tires. He even had one of those Firestone rubber tire ash trays that he always kept near his seat at the dinner table. The lift lever was finally disassembled with torch heat and a heavy duty press which I don't have in my garage. Fred did say that the shaft was swelled from the end down about an inch or so... probably from me pounding on the end of the shaft trying to get it pushed out of the sleeve. I think I understand that instead of twisting the shaft loose to get it out, by pounding on the end I was probably making the fit of the shaft in the sleeve more and more a tighter press fit. So, the more I tried to pound or push it out, I was only making it tighter. I did not ask if I could go through their bone yard to look for any old Wheel Horse tractors. I will have to do that next time I get down there. Wheel prep and paint... sandblasting, a lot of hand sanding to smooth out rough spots, Rust-o-leum spray bomb primer and paint. I chose to use Rust-o-eum spray cans instead of a professional automotive paint job due to relatively low cost of spray cans at the local Wal-mart stores. I am quite comfortable and adept at using spray cans I have spray bombed lots of other projects all my life including spray painting those plastic models cars when I was a lot younger than I am today. I also use one of those squeeze trigger handle attachments that you can place on the top of spray cans, so it kind of feels like I am using a "professional" sprayer. I find using spray cans can do a really nice job if the spray technique is done properly... start and end the sweeps off of the parts being painted and allow several light coats to dry some between each coat instead of spaying on one heavy coat that has the chance to cause runs. Takes some time and lots of patience but I am proof that a spray bomb paint job can be done successfully. Besides, as long as my paint job looks good to me and lasts maybe another 20-30 years, I will be pleased. And finally, I can only hope my dad would be proud of my restoration project. He passed away 20 years ago and I still miss him dearly. I do know he would probably smile some but wouldn't have much to say as he always was. When I was about 15-16 years old, he had a 1940 Dodge pick up truck that we used on the farm I grew up on. The old truck was pretty beat up but one day I asked him if I could have it and fix it up. He told me not to waste my money on the truck. He said it was junk and he wouldn't let me have it. Today, I now wish I would have stolen that old truck or taken it anyway. Sometimes, when I just sit down and look at his old Wheel Horse now and think about how beat up it was a couple years ago when I got it, I wonder if he would kick my ass for putting lots of my time and money into fixing it up. But I can honestly say that even though I have spent a lot of time and money in this project and eventually the resale value will ever only be several hundred dollars, this tractor is worth a fortune to me personally. They say everything has a price, however I wouldn't ever sell this tractor for any obscene offer... at least while I am alive to enjoy it. Thanks to all you RedSquare members here on this fantastic Wheel Horse forum. I enjoy reading about your projects as well and will promise to keep you informed as I bring my dad's 1962 552 WH tractor back to its second life. Still can't wait for the day I saddle up and ride her again.
  45. 1 point
    Keep it original if you can. Don't do anything that can't be undone. I picked up a molested 1961 550 and made a rat rod out of it and love it, but it was sliced, diced, and glued back together worse than a rubics cube! Check out my rat rod build thread.
  46. 1 point
  47. 1 point
    Nice photos...Loved the BIG MF 4 X 4.
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
    Tig , that's one beautiful group of horses ! Thanks for the pics . I don't know where you find the time , but they turned out great . Glad you found us horseoholics and share your passion with us . Hopefully someday we can meet up . One more thing I TOLD YOU SO !!!
  50. 1 point
    Model Year Description Type Engine Model HP Drive Model RJ-25 1955 Lawn & Garden Tractor Ride Away Jr. Variable Briggs N/A 2.5 Pond N/A RJ-35 1955 Lawn & Garden Tractor Ride Away Jr. Variable Kohler K-90 3.5 Pond N/A RJ-35 1955 Lawn & Garden Tractor Ride Away Jr. Variable Clinton B-1200 3.6 Pond N/A RJ-25 1956 Lawn & Garden Tractor Ride Away Jr. Variable Briggs N/A 2.5 Pond N/A RJ-35 1956 Lawn & Garden Tractor Ride Away Jr. Variable Kohler K-90 3.5 Pond N/A RJ-35 1956 Lawn & Garden Tractor Ride Away Jr. Variable Clinton B-1200 3.6 Pond N/A RJ-35 1957 Lawn & Garden Tractor Ride Away Jr. Variable Kohler K-90 3.5 Pond N/A RJ-35 1957 Lawn & Garden Tractor Ride Away Jr. Variable Clinton B-1200 3.6 Pond N/A RJ-58 1958 Lawn & Garden Tractor Ride Away Jr. 4-Speed Kohler K-90 3.5 Wheel Horse 5003 RJ-58 1958 Lawn & Garden Tractor Ride Away Jr. 4-Speed Clinton B-1290 3.6 Wheel Horse 5003 RJ-59 1959 Lawn & Garden Tractor Ride Away Jr. 4-Speed Kohler K-90 3.5 Wheel Horse 5003 RJ-59 1959 Lawn & Garden Tractor Ride Away Jr. 4-Speed Clinton B-1290 3.6 Wheel Horse 5003 400 1960 Lawn & Garden Tractor Surburban 4-Speed Kohler K91-31388A 4 Wheel Horse 5010 550 1960 Lawn & Garden Tractor Surburban 4-Speed Tecumseh H55B-1170 5.5 Wheel Horse 5010 401 1961 Lawn & Garden Tractor 401 4-Speed Kohler K91-41437A 4 Wheel Horse 5010 551 1961 Lawn & Garden Tractor 551 4-Speed Tecumseh H55D-2113 5.5 Wheel Horse 5007 701 1961 Lawn & Garden Tractor 701 4-Speed Kohler K161S-28622E 7 Wheel Horse 5007 32E 1962 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh HT55C-3089 5.5 Wheel Horse 5025 32R 1962 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh HT55C-3088 5.5 Wheel Horse 5025 502 1962 Lawn & Garden Tractor 502 4-Speed Tecumseh HT55C-3088 5.5 Wheel Horse 5025 552 1962 Lawn & Garden Tractor 552 4-Speed Tecumseh HT55C-3089 5.5 Wheel Horse 5025 702 1962 Lawn & Garden Tractor 702 4-Speed Kohler K161S-28622E 7 Wheel Horse 5025 425-L3 1963 Rear Engine Rider 425-L3 1-Speed Tecumseh V40-50030 4 Wheel Horse MW-8858 33E 1963 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh H60-75009 6 Wheel Horse 5025 33R 1963 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh H60-75016 6 Wheel Horse 5025 603 1963 Lawn & Garden Tractor 603 4-Speed Tecumseh H60-75016 6 Wheel Horse 5025 653 1963 Lawn & Garden Tractor 653 4-Speed Tecumseh H60-75009 6 Wheel Horse 5025 633 1963 Lawn & Garden Tractor 633 4-Speed Kohler K141T-29102A 7 Wheel Horse 5025 753 1963 Lawn & Garden Tractor 753 4-Speed Kohler K161S-28626E 7 Wheel Horse 5025 953 1963 Lawn & Garden Tractor 953 4-Speed Kohler K241S-46135A 9.6 Wheel Horse 5045 34E 1964 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh H60-75064B 6 Wheel Horse 5046 34R 1964 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh H60-75063B 6 Wheel Horse 5046 604 1964 Lawn & Garden Tractor 604 4-Speed Tecumseh H60-75064B 6 Wheel Horse 5046 654 1964 Lawn & Garden Tractor 654 4-Speed Tecumseh H60-75063B 6 Wheel Horse 5049 704 1964 Lawn & Garden Tractor 704 4-Speed Kohler K161T-28937E 7 Wheel Horse 5046 854 1964 Lawn & Garden Tractor 854 4-Speed Kohler K181S-30108A 8 Wheel Horse 5025 1054 1964 Lawn & Garden Tractor 1054 4-Speed Kohler K241S-46215A 10 Wheel Horse 5047 RE-65 1965 Rear Engine Rider RE-65 2-Speed Tecumseh V60-70067C 6 Wheel Horse 5050 RR-65 1965 Rear Engine Rider RR-65 2-Speed Tecumseh V60-70066C 6 Wheel Horse 5056 L-105 1965 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh H60-75118D 6 Wheel Horse 5048 L-155 1965 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh H60-75117D 6 Wheel Horse 5048 605 1965 Lawn & Garden Tractor 605 4-Speed Tecumseh H60-75118D 6 Wheel Horse 5049 655 1965 Lawn & Garden Tractor 655 4-Speed Tecumseh H60-75117D 6 Wheel Horse 5049 855 1965 Lawn & Garden Tractor 855 4-Speed Kohler K181S-30108A 8 Wheel Horse 5049 875 1965 Lawn & Garden Tractor 875 Automatic Kohler K181S-30108A 8 Sundstrand 3100077 1045 1965 Lawn & Garden Tractor 1045 4-Speed Kohler K241AS-46219A 10 Wheel Horse 5025 1054A 1965 Lawn & Garden Tractor 1054A 4-Speed Kohler K241S-47176 10 Wheel Horse 5051 1055 1965 Lawn & Garden Tractor 1055 4-Speed Kohler K241AS-46219A 10 Wheel Horse 5049 1075 1965 Lawn & Garden Tractor 1075 Automatic Kohler K241AS-46219A 10 Sundstrand 3100077 RR-46 1966 Rear Engine Rider RR-46 2-Speed Tecumseh V40-50077C 4 Wheel Horse 5050 RE-66 1966 Rear Engine Rider RE-66 2-Speed Tecumseh V60-70067D 6 Wheel Horse 5056 RR-66 1966 Rear Engine Rider RR-66 2-Speed Tecumseh V60-70066D 6 Wheel Horse 5056 L-106 1966 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh H60-75118D 6 Wheel Horse 5053 L-156 1966 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh H60-75117E 6 Wheel Horse 5053 606 1966 Lawn & Garden Tractor 606 4-Speed Tecumseh HH60-105014A 6 Wheel Horse 5053 656 1966 Lawn & Garden Tractor 656 4-Speed Tecumseh HH60-105013A 6 Wheel Horse 5053 856 1966 Lawn & Garden Tractor 856 4-Speed Kohler K181S-30108D 8 Wheel Horse 5053 876 1966 Lawn & Garden Tractor 876 Automatic Kohler K181S-30108D 8 Sundstrand 3100077 1056 1966 Lawn & Garden Tractor 1056 4-Speed Kohler K241AS-46333D 10 Wheel Horse 5053 1076 1966 Lawn & Garden Tractor 1076 Automatic Kohler K241AS-46333D 10 Sundstrand 3100077 1276 1966 Lawn & Garden Tractor 1276 Automatic Kohler K301S-4712B 12 Sundstrand 3100077 RE-47 1967 Rear Engine Rider RE-47 2-Speed Tecumseh V40-50077E 4 Wheel Horse 5056 RE-67 1967 Rear Engine Rider RE-67 2-Speed Tecumseh V60-70067E 6 Wheel Horse 5056 RR-67 1967 Rear Engine Rider RR-67 2-Speed Tecumseh V60-70066E 6 Wheel Horse 5056 L-107 1967 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh H60-75118F 6 Wheel Horse 5053 L-157 1967 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh H60-75117F 6 Wheel Horse 5053 607 1967 Lawn & Garden Tractor 607 4-Speed Tecumseh HH60-105014B 6 Wheel Horse 5043 657 1967 Lawn & Garden Tractor 657 4-Speed Tecumseh HH60-105013B 6 Wheel Horse 5053 857 1967 Lawn & Garden Tractor 857 4-Speed Kohler K181S-30108D 8 Wheel Horse 5053 877 1967 Lawn & Garden Tractor 877 Automatic Kohler K181S-30108D 8 Sundstrand 3100077 1057 1967 Lawn & Garden Tractor 1057 4-Speed Kohler K241S-46333D 10 Wheel Horse 5058 1067 1967 Lawn & Garden Tractor 1067 8-Speed Kohler K241S-46333D 10 Wheel Horse 5060 1077 1967 Lawn & Garden Tractor 1077 Automatic Kohler K241S-46333D 10 Sundstrand 3100077 1257 1967 Lawn & Garden Tractor 1257 4-Speed Kohler K301S-4712B 12 Wheel Horse 5058 1267 1967 Lawn & Garden Tractor 1267 8-Speed Kohler K301S-4712B 12 Wheel Horse 5060 1277 1967 Lawn & Garden Tractor 1277 Automatic Kohler K301S-4712B 12 Sundstrand 3100077 2-1231 1968 Rear Engine Rider REO 4-Speed Tecumseh V60-70067G 6 Wheel Horse 5063 2-2231 1968 Rear Engine Rider REO 1-Speed Tecumseh V60-70066S 6 Wheel Horse 5056 1-1631 1968 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh H60-75118H 6 Wheel Horse 5053 1-2631 1968 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh H60-75117H 6 Wheel Horse 5053 1-3631 1968 Lawn & Garden Tractor 500 Special 4-Speed Tecumseh H60-75118H 6 Wheel Horse 5053 1-4631 1968 Lawn & Garden Tractor Commando 6 4-Speed Tecumseh HH60-105047B 6 Wheel Horse 5053 1-4831 1968 Lawn & Garden Tractor Commando 8 4-Speed Kohler K181S-30108D 8 Wheel Horse 5053 1-4832 1968 Lawn & Garden Tractor Commando 8 4-Speed Kohler K181S-30108D 8 Wheel Horse 5053 1-6931 1968 Lawn & Garden Tractor Raider 9 8-Speed Tecumseh HH100-115095B 10 Wheel Horse 5060 1-7931 1968 Lawn & Garden Tractor Charger 9 Automatic Tecumseh HH100-115095B 10 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-7932 1968 Lawn & Garden Tractor Charger 9 Automatic Tecumseh HH100-115095B 10 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-6231 1968 Lawn & Garden Tractor Raider 12 8-Speed Kohler K301S-4712B 12 Wheel Horse 5060 1-7231 1968 Lawn & Garden Tractor Charger 12 Automatic Kohler K301S-4712B 12 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-7235 1968 Lawn & Garden Tractor Electro 12 Automatic Kohler K301S-47147B 12 Sundstrand 90-2046 2-1641 1969 Rear Engine Rider R-26 1-Speed Tecumseh V70-125094A 7 Wheel Horse 5056 2-2641 1969 Rear Engine Rider R-26 1-Speed Tecumseh V70-125093A 7 Wheel Horse 5056 1-8741 1969 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh V70-125098A 7 Peerless 617 1-8745 1969 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh V70-125098A 7 Peerless 617 1-3741 1969 Lawn & Garden Tractor Workhorse 700 4-Speed Tecumseh H70-130042 7 Wheel Horse 5053 1-3745 1969 Lawn & Garden Tractor Workhorse 700 4-Speed Tecumseh H70-130043 7 Wheel Horse 5053 1-4741 1969 Lawn & Garden Tractor Commando V7 4-Speed Tecumseh V70-125061 7 Wheel Horse 5067 1-7741 1969 Lawn & Garden Tractor Charger V7 Automatic Tecumseh V70-125061 7 Eaton 6 1-4841 1969 Lawn & Garden Tractor Commando V8 4-Speed Kohler KV181S-37108B 8 Wheel Horse 5066 1-7841 1969 Lawn & Garden Tractor Charger V8 Automatic Kohler KV181S-37108B 8 Eaton 6 1-6041 1969 Lawn & Garden Tractor Raider 10 4-Speed Tecumseh HH100-115095B 10 Wheel Horse 5071 1-7041 1969 Lawn & Garden Tractor Charger 10 Automatic Tecumseh HH100-115095B 10 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-6241 1969 Lawn & Garden Tractor Raider 12 4-Speed Kohler K301S-47147C 12 Wheel Horse 5071 1-7241 1969 Lawn & Garden Tractor Charger 12 Automatic Kohler K301S-47147C 12 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-7245 1969 Lawn & Garden Tractor Electro 12 Automatic Kohler K301S-47147C 12 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-7441 1969 Lawn & Garden Tractor GT-14 Automatic Kohler K321S-60125B 14 Sundstrand 90-2062 2-1651 1970 Rear Engine Rider R-26 1-Speed Tecumseh V70-125094A 7 Wheel Horse 5056 2-2651 1970 Rear Engine Rider R-26 1-Speed Tecumseh V70-125093A 7 Wheel Horse 5056 1-8751 1970 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh V70-125098A 7 Peerless 617 1-8752 1970 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh V80-150018 8 Peerless 617 1-8755 1970 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh V80-150018 8 Peerless 617 1-8756 1970 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh V80-150018 8 Peerless 617 1-4751 1970 Lawn & Garden Tractor Commando V7 4-Speed Tecumseh V70-125119 7 Wheel Horse 5067 1-4752 1970 Lawn & Garden Tractor Commando V7 4-Speed Tecumseh V70-125119 7 Wheel Horse 5067 1-7751 1970 Lawn & Garden Tractor Charger V7 Automatic Tecumseh V70-125119 7 Eaton 6 1-4851 1970 Lawn & Garden Tractor Commando V8 4-Speed Kohler KV181S-37116B 8 Wheel Horse 5066 1-4852 1970 Lawn & Garden Tractor Commando V8 4-Speed Tecumseh VH80-148001 8 Wheel Horse 5066 1-7851 1970 Lawn & Garden Tractor Charger V8 Automatic Tecumseh VH80-148001 8 Eaton 6 1-6051 1970 Lawn & Garden Tractor Raider 10 8-Speed Tecumseh HH100-115145B 10 Wheel Horse 5073 1-6251 1970 Lawn & Garden Tractor Raider 12 8-Speed Kohler K301S-47371C 12 Wheel Horse 5073 1-6252 1970 Lawn & Garden Tractor Raider 12 8-Speed Kohler K301S-47147C 12 Wheel Horse 5073 1-6253 1970 Lawn & Garden Tractor Raider 12 8-Speed Tecumseh HH120-120129C 12 Wheel Horse 5073 1-7251 1970 Lawn & Garden Tractor Charger 12 Automatic Kohler K301S-47371C 12 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-7252 1970 Lawn & Garden Tractor Charger 12 Automatic Kohler K301S-47147C 12 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-7253 1970 Lawn & Garden Tractor Charger 12 Automatic Tecumseh HH120-120129C 12 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-7255 1970 Lawn & Garden Tractor Electro 12 Automatic Kohler K301S-47371C 12 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-7451 1970 Lawn & Garden Tractor GT-14 Automatic Kohler K321S-60125B 14 Sundstrand 90-2062 1-7452 1970 Lawn & Garden Tractor GT-14 Automatic Kohler K321S-60125B 14 Sundstrand 90-2062 1-7453 1970 Lawn & Garden Tractor GT-14 Automatic Kohler K321S-60125B 14 Sundstrand 90-2062 2-0101 1971 Rear Engine Rider R-26 1-Speed Tecumseh V70-125093A 7 Wheel Horse 5056 2-0111 1971 Rear Engine Rider Riding Mower 1-Speed Tecumseh V70-125094A 7 Wheel Horse 5056 2-0200 1971 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh V70-125098 7 Peerless 617 2-0210 1971 Lawn Tractor Lawn Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh V70-125099 7 Peerless 617 1-0270 1971 Lawn & Garden Tractor CG-7R 4-Speed Tecumseh V70-125155 7 Wheel Horse 5075 1-0275 1971 Lawn & Garden Tractor CG-7 4-Speed Tecumseh V70-125119 7 Wheel Horse 5075 1-0100 1971 Lawn & Garden Tractor Workhorse 800 4-Speed Tecumseh HH80-110112D 8 Wheel Horse 5080 1-0150 1971 Lawn & Garden Tractor 800 Special 4-Speed Briggs 190434-0825-01 8 Peerless 1400 1-0200 1971 Lawn & Garden Tractor CG-8 Automatic Tecumseh VH80-148001 8 Eaton 6 1-0450 1971 Lawn & Garden Tractor 800 Automatic Briggs 109434-0525-01 8 Eaton 6 1-0300 1971 Lawn & Garden Tractor Raider 10 8-Speed Tecumseh HH100-115145C 10 Wheel Horse 5073 1-0310 1971 Lawn & Garden Tractor Raider 12 8-Speed Kohler K301S-47407C 12 Wheel Horse 5073 1-0400 1971 Lawn & Garden Tractor Charger 12 Automatic Kohler K301S-47407C 12 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-0420 1971 Lawn & Garden Tractor Bronco 14 Automatic Kohler K321S-60124B 14 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-0421 1971 Lawn & Garden Tractor Bronco 14 Automatic Kohler K321S-60124B 14 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-0500 1971 Lawn & Garden Tractor GT-14 Automatic Kohler K321S-60125B 14 Sundstrand 90-2062 1-0501 1971 Lawn & Garden Tractor GT-14 Automatic Kohler K321S-60125B 14 Sundstrand 90-2062 2-0100 1972 Rear Engine Rider R-26 1-Speed Tecumseh V70-125093A 7 Wheel Horse 5056 2-0101 1972 Rear Engine Rider R-26 1-Speed Tecumseh V70-125093A 7 Wheel Horse 5056 2-0110 1972 Rear Engine Rider Riding Mower 1-Speed Tecumseh V70-125093A 7 Wheel Horse 5056 2-0111 1972 Rear Engine Rider Riding Mower 1-Speed Tecumseh V70-125094A 7 Wheel Horse 5056 2-0211 1972 Lawn Tractor Ranger 800 4-Speed Tecumseh V80-150018 8 Peerless 617 1-0270 1972 Lawn & Garden Tractor CG-7R 4-Speed Tecumseh V70-125155 7 Wheel Horse 5075 1-0275 1972 Lawn & Garden Tractor CG-7 4-Speed Tecumseh V70-125119 7 Wheel Horse 5075 1-0110 1972 Lawn & Garden Tractor Commando 800 4-Speed Kohler K181S-30461D 8 Wheel Horse 5085 1-0200 1972 Lawn & Garden Tractor CG-8 Automatic Tecumseh VH80-148001 8 Wheel Horse 5074 1-0201 1972 Lawn & Garden Tractor CG-8 Automatic Tecumseh VH80-148001 8 Eaton 6 1-0330 1972 Lawn & Garden Tractor Raider 8 8-Speed Kohler K181S-30461D 8 Wheel Horse 5086 1-0451 1972 Lawn & Garden Tractor 800 Automatic Briggs 190434-0525-01 8 Eaton 6 1-7752 1972 Lawn & Garden Tractor CG-8 Automatic Tecumseh V80-13680 8 Eaton 6 1-0301 1972 Lawn & Garden Tractor Raider 10 8-Speed Kohler K241S-46636D 10 Wheel Horse 5086 1-0410 1972 Lawn & Garden Tractor Charger 10 Automatic Kohler K241S-46636D 10 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-0311 1972 Lawn & Garden Tractor Raider 12 8-Speed Kohler K301S-47421B 12 Wheel Horse 5073 1-0401 1972 Lawn & Garden Tractor Charger 12 Automatic Kohler K301S-47421B 12 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-0402 1972 Lawn & Garden Tractor Charger 12 Automatic Kohler K301S-47407C 12 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-0320 1972 Lawn & Garden Tractor Raider 14 8-Speed Kohler K321S-60137A 14 Wheel Horse 5073 1-0422 1972 Lawn & Garden Tractor Bronco 14 Automatic Kohler K321S-60137A 14 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-0423 1972 Lawn & Garden Tractor Bronco 14 Automatic Kohler K321S-60137A 14 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-0502 1972 Lawn & Garden Tractor GT-14 Automatic Kohler K321S-60149A 14 Sundstrand 90-2062 1-0503 1972 Lawn & Garden Tractor GT-14 Automatic Kohler K321S-60149A 14 Sundstrand 90-2062 2-0102 1973 Rear Engine Rider Riding Mower 1-Speed Tecumseh V70-125094A 7 Wheel Horse 5056 2-0112 1973 Rear Engine Rider Riding Mower 1-Speed Tecumseh V70-125093 7 Wheel Horse 5056 2-0220 1973 Lawn Tractor Ranger 700 4-Speed Tecumseh V70-125098A 7 Peerless 635 2-0230 1973 Lawn Tractor Ranger 800 4-Speed Tecumseh V80-150018 8 Peerless 635 1-0120 1973 Lawn & Garden Tractor 8 hp 4 Speed 4-Speed Kohler K181S-30461D 8 Wheel Horse 5085 1-0130 1973 Lawn & Garden Tractor Commando 800 4-Speed Kohler K181S-30461D 8 Wheel Horse 5085 1-0276 1973 Lawn & Garden Tractor 8 hp 4 Speed 4-Speed Tecumseh V80-13680 8 Wheel Horse 5075 1-0277 1973 Lawn & Garden Tractor 8 hp 4 Speed 4-Speed Tecumseh V80-13680 8 Wheel Horse 5096 1-0370 1973 Lawn & Garden Tractor 8 Hp 8-Speed Kohler K181S-30461D 8 Wheel Horse 5086 1-0360 1973 Lawn & Garden Tractor Raider 10 8-Speed Kohler K241S-46636D 10 Wheel Horse 5086 1-0365 1973 Lawn & Garden Tractor 10 Hp 8-Speed Kohler K241S-46636D 10 Wheel Horse 5086 1-0470 1973 Lawn & Garden Tractor 10 HP Automatic Kohler K241S-46636D 10 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-0475 1973 Lawn & Garden Tractor 10 HP Automatic Kohler K241S-46636D 10 Sundstrand 90-1136 1-0350 1973 Lawn & Garden Tractor Raider 12 8-Speed Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Wheel Horse 5073 1-0355 1973 Lawn & Garden Tractor 12 HP 8-Speed Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Wheel Horse 5091 1-0460 1973 Lawn & Garden Tractor 12 HP Automatic Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-0465 1973 Lawn & Garden Tractor 12 HP Automatic Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Sundstrand 90-1136 1-0340 1973 Lawn & Garden Tractor 14 HP 8-Speed Kohler K321S-60137D 14 Wheel Horse 5073 1-0430 1973 Lawn & Garden Tractor 14 Hp Automatic Kohler K321S-60137D 14 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-0435 1973 Lawn & Garden Tractor 14 Hp Automatic Kohler K321S-60137D 14 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-0502 1973 Lawn & Garden Tractor GT-14 Automatic Kohler K321S-60149A 14 Sundstrand 90-2062 1-0440 1973 Lawn & Garden Tractor 16 Hp Automatic Kohler K341S-71113A 16 Sundstrand 90-2046 1-0600 1973 D Series Garden Tractor 18 HP Automatic Kohler K482S-35209B 18 Sundstrand 90-1137 1-0601 1973 D Series Garden Tractor 18 HP Automatic Kohler K482S-35209B 18 Sundstrand 90-1137 1-0610 1973 D Series Garden Tractor 18 HP Automatic Kohler K482S-35209B 18 Sundstrand 90-1137 1-0620 1973 D Series Garden Tractor 18 HP Automatic Kohler K482S-35209B 18 Sundstrand 90-1137 3-0113 1974 Rear Engine Rider R-26 1-Speed Tecumseh V70-125190A 7 Wheel Horse 5056 1-0352 1974 Lawn & Garden Tractor Raider 12 4-Speed Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Wheel Horse 5085 1-0353 1974 Lawn & Garden Tractor Raider 12 8-Speed Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Wheel Horse 5091 1-0280 1974 A Series Lawn Tractor A-800 Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh VM80-150056A 8 Peerless 648 1-0285 1974 A Series Lawn Tractor A-800 Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh VM80-150057A 8 Peerless 648 2-4300 1974 A Series Lawn Tractor A-90 Special 4-Speed Briggs 109434-0638-01 8 Peerless 1400 1-0140 1974 B Series Garden Tractor B-80 4-Speed Kohler K181S-30461D 8 Wheel Horse 5084 1-0145 1974 B Series Garden Tractor B-80 4-Speed Kohler K181S-30461D 8 Wheel Horse 5084 1-0510 1974 B Series Garden Tractor B-100 Automatic Kohler K241S-46636D 10 Sundstrand 90-1136 1-0390 1974 C Series Garden Tractor Raider 10 8-Speed Kohler K241S-46636D 10 Wheel Horse 5091 1-0354 1974 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 8-Speed Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Wheel Horse 5091 1-0356 1974 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 8-Speed Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Wheel Horse 5091 1-0485 1974 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 Automatic Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Sundstrand 90-1136 1-0490 1974 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 Automatic Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Sundstrand 90-1136 1-0495 1974 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 Automatic Tecumseh HH120-120180D 12 Sundstrand 90-1136 1-0380 1974 C Series Garden Tractor C-160 8-Speed Kohler K341S-71113A 16 Wheel Horse 5091 1-0385 1974 C Series Garden Tractor C-162 8-Speed Tecumseh HH160-170019 16 Wheel Horse 5091 1-0480 1974 C Series Garden Tractor C-160 Automatic Kohler K341S-71113A 16 Sundstrand 90-1140 1-0650 1974 D Series Garden Tractor D-160 Automatic Kohler K341S-71141A 16 Sundstrand 90-1137 1-0611 1974 D Series Garden Tractor D-180 Automatic Kohler K482S-35222B 18 Sundstrand 90-1137 1-0630 1974 D Series Garden Tractor D-200 Automatic Kohler K532-53105A 20 Sundstrand 90-1137 3-0114 1975 Rear Engine Rider A-50 1-Speed Tecumseh V70-125190A 7 Wheel Horse 5056 1-0281 1975 A Series Lawn Tractor A-80 Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh VM80-150056A 8 Peerless 648 1-0280 1975 A Series Lawn Tractor A-80 Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh VM80-150056A 8 Peerless 648 1-0286 1975 A Series Lawn Tractor A-80 Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh VM80-150057A 8 Peerless 648 1-0287 1975 A Series Lawn Tractor A-80 Ranger 4-Speed Tecumseh VM80-150057A 8 Peerless 648 1-0700 1975 A,B,C,E Series Battery Powered C-185 28-Speed 36 VDC Electric 0 Peerless 2318 1-0720 1975 A,B,C,E Series Battery Powered B-145 28-Speed 36 VDC Electric 0 Peerless 2318 3-5001 1975 A,B,C,E Series Battery Powered A-60 5-Speed 36 VDC Electric 0 Peerless 706-125 3-6000 1975 A,B,C,E Series Battery Powered A-65 5-Speed 36 VDC Electric 0 Peerless 707-168A 1-0141 1975 B Series Garden Tractor B-80 4-Speed Kohler K181S-30629D 8 Wheel Horse 5084 1-0511 1975 B Series Garden Tractor B-100 Automatic Kohler K241S-46636D 10 Sundstrand 90-1136 1-0391 1975 C Series Garden Tractor C-100 8-Speed Kohler K241S-46636D 10 Wheel Horse 5091 1-0357 1975 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 8-Speed Tecumseh HH120-120180D 12 Wheel Horse 5091 1-0375 1975 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 8-Speed Tecumseh HH120-120180D 12 Wheel Horse 5091 1-0395 1975 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 8-Speed Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Wheel Horse 5091 1-0396 1975 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 8-Speed Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Wheel Horse 5091 1-0491 1975 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 Automatic Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Sundstrand 90-1136 1-0381 1975 C Series Garden Tractor C-160 8-Speed Kohler K341S-71128A 16 Wheel Horse 5091 1-0481 1975 C Series Garden Tractor C-160 Automatic Kohler K341S-71128A 16 Sundstrand 90-1140 1-0651 1975 D Series Garden Tractor D-160 Automatic Kohler K341S-71141A 16 Sundstrand 90-1137 1-0612 1975 D Series Garden Tractor D-180 Automatic Kohler K482S-35222B 18 Sundstrand 90-1137 1-0631 1975 D Series Garden Tractor D-200 Automatic Kohler K532-53105A 20 Sundstrand 90-1137 62-08BP01 1976 A Series Lawn Tractor A-90 4-Speed Briggs 191707-0685 8 Peerless 648 62-10BP02 1976 A Series Lawn Tractor A-100 4-Speed Briggs 251707-0601 10 Peerless 648 63-05BF01 1976 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-60 4-Speed Briggs 103902-0463 5 Foote 2010-55 63-08BP01 1976 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-70 5-Speed Briggs 191702-5129 8 Peerless 517-152 1-0700 1976 A,B,C,E Series Battery Powered C-185 28-Speed 36 VDC Electric 0 Peerless 2318 1-0720 1976 A,B,C,E Series Battery Powered B-145 28-Speed 36 VDC Electric 0 Peerless 2318 3-5002 1976 A,B,C,E Series Battery Powered A-60 5-Speed 36 VDC Electric 0 Peerless 706-125 3-6000 1976 A,B,C,E Series Battery Powered A-65 5-Speed 36 VDC Electric 0 Peerless 707-168A 61-07K801 1976 B Series Garden Tractor B-60 8-Speed Kohler K161T281269J 7 Wheel Horse 5091 61-07K802 1976 B Series Garden Tractor B-60 8-Speed Kohler K161T281269J 7 Wheel Horse 5091 61-08K801 1976 B Series Garden Tractor B-80 8-Speed Kohler K181S-30629D 8 Wheel Horse 5091 61-08K802 1976 B Series Garden Tractor B-80 8-Speed Kohler K181S-30629D 8 Wheel Horse 5091 61-08K803 1976 B Series Garden Tractor B-80 8-Speed Kohler K181S-30629D 8 Wheel Horse 103907 61-08K804 1976 B Series Garden Tractor B-80 8-Speed Kohler K181S-30629D 8 Wheel Horse 5091 61-10K801 1976 B Series Garden Tractor B-100 8-Speed Kohler K241S-46636D 10 Wheel Horse 5091 61-10K802 1976 B Series Garden Tractor B-100 8-Speed Kohler K241S-46636D 10 Wheel Horse 5091 61-10K803 1976 B Series Garden Tractor B-100 8-Speed Kohler K241S-46636D 10 Wheel Horse 103907 61-10K804 1976 B Series Garden Tractor B-100 8-Speed Kohler K241S-46636D 10 Wheel Horse 5091 61-12K801 1976 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 8-Speed Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Wheel Horse 5091 61-12K802 1976 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 8-Speed Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Wheel Horse 5091 61-12K803 1976 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 8-Speed Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Wheel Horse 103907 61-12K804 1976 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 8-Speed Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Wheel Horse 5091 61-12KS01 1976 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 Automatic Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Sundstrand 90-1136 61-12KS02 1976 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 Automatic Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Sundstrand 90-1136 61-12KS03 1976 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 Automatic Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Sundstrand 90-1136 61-12KS04 1976 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 Automatic Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Sundstrand 90-1136 61-16K801 1976 C Series Garden Tractor C-160 8-Speed Kohler K341S-71128A 16 Wheel Horse 5091 61-16K802 1976 C Series Garden Tractor C-160 8-Speed Kohler K341S-71128A 16 Wheel Horse 5091 61-16K803 1976 C Series Garden Tractor C-160 8-Speed Kohler K341S-71128A 16 Wheel Horse 103907 61-16K804 1976 C Series Garden Tractor C-160 8-Speed Kohler K341S-71128A 16 Wheel Horse 5091 61-16KS01 1976 C Series Garden Tractor C-160 Automatic Kohler K341S-71128A 16 Sundstrand 90-1140 61-16KS02 1976 C Series Garden Tractor C-160 Automatic Kohler K341S-71128A 16 Sundstrand 90-1140 61-16KS03 1976 C Series Garden Tractor C-160 Automatic Kohler K341S-71128A 16 Sundstrand 90-1140 61-16KS04 1976 C Series Garden Tractor C-160 Automatic Kohler K341S-71128A 16 Sundstrand 90-1140 61-16OS01 1976 D Series Garden Tractor D-160 Automatic Onan BF-MS-2929E 16 Sundstrand 90-1137 61-16OS02 1976 D Series Garden Tractor D-160 Automatic Onan BF-MS-2929E 16 Sundstrand 90-1137 61-20KS01 1976 D Series Garden Tractor D-200 Automatic Kohler K532S-53105A 20 Sundstrand 90-1137 61-20KS02 1976 D Series Garden Tractor D-200 Automatic Kohler K341S-71128A 20 Sundstrand 90-1137 61-20RG01 1976 D Series Garden Tractor D-250 10-Speed Renault 800-01 20 Gutbrod 252067 72-08BP01 1977 A Series Lawn Tractor A-90 4-Speed Briggs 191707-0685 8 Peerless 662 72-10BP01 1977 A Series Lawn Tractor A-100 4-Speed Briggs 251707-0106 10 Peerless 662 73-05BF01 1977 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-60 4-Speed Briggs 103902-0463 5 Foote 2010-65 1-0700 1977 A,B,C,E Series Battery Powered C-185 28-Speed 36 VDC Electric 0 Peerless 2318 1-0720 1977 A,B,C,E Series Battery Powered B-145 28-Speed 36 VDC Electric 0 Peerless 2318 3-6000 1977 A,B,C,E Series Battery Powered A-65 5-Speed 36 VDC Electric 0 Peerless 707-168A 71-07K801 1977 B Series Garden Tractor B-60 8-Speed Kohler K161T-281269J 7 Wheel Horse 103907 71-08K801 1977 B Series Garden Tractor B-80 8-Speed Kohler K181S-30629D 8 Wheel Horse 103907 71-10K801 1977 B Series Garden Tractor B-100 8-Speed Kohler K241S-46756D 10 Wheel Horse 103907 71-12K801 1977 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 8-Speed Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Wheel Horse 103907 71-12KS01 1977 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 Automatic Kohler K301S-47421D 12 Sundstrand 90-1136 71-12KS02 1977 C Series Garden Tractor C-120 Automatic Kohler K301S-47624D 12 Sundstrand 90-1136 71-16K801 1977 C Series Garden Tractor C-160 8-Speed Kohler K341S-71128A 16 Wheel Horse 103907 71-16K802 1977 C Series Garden Tractor C-160 8-Speed Kohler K341S-71223A 16 Wheel Horse 103907 71-16KS01 1977 C Series Garden Tractor C-160 Automatic Kohler K341S-71128A 16 Sundstrand 90-1140 71-16KS02 1977 C Series Garden Tractor C-160 Automatic Kohler K341S-71223A 16 Sundstrand 90-1140 71-16OS01 1977 D Series Garden Tractor D-160 Automatic Onan BF-MS-2929E 16 Sundstrand 90-1137 61-20RG02 1977 D Series Garden Tractor D-250 10-Speed Renault 800-01 20 Gutbrod 252067 71-20KS01 1977 D Series Garden Tractor D-200 Automatic Kohler K532S-53105A 20 Sundstrand 90-1137 82-08BP01 1978 B Series Lawn Tractor B-81 4-Speed Briggs 191707-1136-01 8 Peerless 669 82-11BP01 1978 B Series Lawn Tractor B-111 4-Speed Briggs 252707-0151-01 11 Peerless 669 81-08K801 1978 C Series Garden Tractor C-81 8-Speed Kohler K181S-30700D 8 Wheel Horse 103916 81-10K801 1978 C Series Garden Tractor C-101 8-Speed Kohler K241AS-46766D 10 Wheel Horse 103916 81-12K801 1978 C Series Garden Tractor C-121 8-Speed Kohler K301AS-47648D 12 Wheel Horse 103916 81-12KS01 1978 C Series Garden Tractor C-121 Automatic Kohler K301AS-47648D 12 Sundstrand 90-1172 81-14K801 1978 C Series Garden Tractor C-141 8-Speed Kohler K321AS-71246A 14 Wheel Horse 103916 81-14KS01 1978 C Series Garden Tractor C-141 Automatic Kohler K321AS-71246A 14 Sundstrand 90-1173 81-16B801 1978 C Series Garden Tractor C-161 Twin 8-Speed Briggs 401417-0130-01 16 Wheel Horse 103916 81-16BS01 1978 C Series Garden Tractor C-161 Twin Automatic Briggs 401417-0130-01 16 Sundstrand 90-1173 81-16K801 1978 C Series Garden Tractor C-161 8-Speed Kohler K341AS-71246A 16 Wheel Horse 103916 81-16KS01 1978 C Series Garden Tractor C-161 Automatic Kohler K341AS-71246A 16 Sundstrand 90-1173 81-16OS01 1978 D Series Garden Tractor D-160 Automatic Onan BF-MS-3268F 16 Sundstrand 90-1173 81-20KS01 1978 D Series Garden Tractor D-200 Automatic Kohler K532S-53105A 20 Sundstrand 90-1173 81-20RG01 1978 D Series Garden Tractor D-250 10-Speed Renault 800-01 20 Gutbrod 252067 93-05BP01 1979 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-51 5-Speed Briggs 130902-0584-01 5 Peerless 724A 93-05BP02 1979 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-51 5-Speed Briggs 130902-0584-01 5 Peerless 724A 93-08BP01 1979 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-81 5-Speed Briggs 191707-5639-01 8 Peerless 724A 93-08BP02 1979 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-81 5-Speed Briggs 191707-5639-01 8 Peerless 724A 93-08XP02 1979 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-81 5-Speed Briggs 191707-5639-01 8 Peerless 724A 93-11BP01 1979 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-111 5-Speed Briggs 252707-0188-01 11 Peerless 724A 92-08BF01 1979 B Series Lawn Tractor B-81 6-Speed Briggs 191707-1136-01 8 Foote 4000-5 92-11BF01 1979 B Series Lawn Tractor B-111 6-Speed Briggs 252707-0151-01 11 Foote 4000-5 92-11BP01 1979 B Series Lawn Tractor B-111 4-Speed Briggs 252707-0151-01 11 Peerless 669 91-08K801 1979 C Series Garden Tractor C-81 8-Speed Kohler K181S-30700D 8 Wheel Horse 103916 91-08K802 1979 C Series Garden Tractor C-81 8-Speed Kohler K181S-30700D 8 Wheel Horse 103916 91-10K801 1979 C Series Garden Tractor C-101 8-Speed Kohler K241AS-46766D 10 Wheel Horse 103916 91-10K802 1979 C Series Garden Tractor C-101 8-Speed Kohler K241AS-46766D 10 Wheel Horse 103916 91-11B801 1979 C Series Garden Tractor C-111 8-Speed Briggs 252417-0198-01 11 Wheel Horse 103916 91-12K801 1979 C Series Garden Tractor C-121 8-Speed Kohler K301AS-47648D 12 Wheel Horse 103916 91-12K802 1979 C Series Garden Tractor C-121 8-Speed Kohler K301AS-47648D 12 Wheel Horse 103916 91-12KS01 1979 C Series Garden Tractor C-121 Automatic Kohler K301AS-47648D 12 Sundstrand 90-1172 91-14K801 1979 C Series Garden Tractor C-141 8-Speed Kohler K321AS-30322D 14 Wheel Horse 103916 91-14K802 1979 C Series Garden Tractor C-141 8-Speed Kohler K321AS-30322D 14 Wheel Horse 103916 91-14KS01 1979 C Series Garden Tractor C-141 Automatic Kohler K321AS-30322D 14 Sundstrand 90-1173 91-16B801 1979 C Series Garden Tractor C-161 Twin 8-Speed Briggs 401417-0130-01 16 Wheel Horse 5086 91-16B802 1979 C Series Garden Tractor C-161 Twin 8-Speed Briggs 401417-0130-01 16 Wheel Horse 5086 91-16BS01 1979 C Series Garden Tractor C-161 Twin Automatic Briggs 401417-0130-01 16 Sundstrand 90-1173 91-16BS02 1979 C Series Garden Tractor C-161 Twin Automatic Briggs 401417-0130-01 16 Sundstrand 90-1173 91-16K801 1979 C Series Garden Tractor C-161 8-Speed Kohler K341AS-71246A 16 Wheel Horse 5086 91-16KS01 1979 C Series Garden Tractor C-161 Automatic Kohler K341AS-71246A 16 Sundstrand 90-1173 91-16OS01 1979 D Series Garden Tractor D-160 Automatic Onan B43M-GA016 16 Sundstrand 90-1173 91-20KS01 1979 D Series Garden Tractor D-200 Automatic Kohler K532S-53105A 20 Sundstrand 90-1173 91-20KS02 1979 D Series Garden Tractor D-200 Automatic Kohler K532S-53105A 20 Sundstrand 90-1173 91-20RG01 1979 D Series Garden Tractor D-250 10-Speed Renault 800-01 20 Gutbrod 252067 03-05BP01 1980 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-51 5-Speed Briggs 130902-0584-01 5 Peerless 724A 03-08BP01 1980 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-81 5-Speed Briggs 191707-5663-01 8 Peerless 724A 03-08XP01 1980 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-81 5-Speed Briggs 191702-5648-01 8 Peerless 724A 03-11BP01 1980 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-111 5-Speed Briggs 252707-0207-01 11 Peerless 724A 01-14E801 1980 A,B,C,E Series Battery Powered E-141 8-Speed 36 VCD Electric 0 Wheel Horse 103918 03-08EP01 1980 A,B,C,E Series Battery Powered E-81 5-Speed 36 VDC Electric 0 Peerless 724A 02-08BP01 1980 B Series Lawn Tractor B-82 4-Speed Briggs 191707-1136-01 8 Peerless 601-001 02-11BP02 1980 B Series Lawn Tractor B-115 5-Speed Briggs 252707-0209-01 11 Peerless 812 02-11BX01 1980 B Series Lawn Tractor B-112 4-Speed Briggs 252707-0206-01 11 Peerless 601-001 02-16BP01 1980 B Series Lawn Tractor B-165 Twin 5-Speed Briggs 401707-0111-04 16 Peerless 812 01-08K801 1980 C Series Garden Tractor C-81 8-Speed Kohler K181S-30743D 8 Wheel Horse 103916 01-10K801 1980 C Series Garden Tractor C-105 8-Speed Kohler K241AS-46805D 10 Wheel Horse 103916 01-11B803 1980 C Series Garden Tractor 1100 Special 8-Speed Briggs 252417-0198-01 11 Wheel Horse 5086 01-12K801 1980 C Series Garden Tractor C-125 8-Speed Kohler K301AS-47723D 12 Wheel Horse 103916 01-12KE01 1980 C Series Garden Tractor C-125 Automatic Kohler K301AS-47723D 12 Eaton 1100-032 01-12KS01 1980 C Series Garden Tractor C-125 Automatic Kohler K301AS-47723D 12 Sundstrand 90-1173 01-14K801 1980 C Series Garden Tractor C-145 8-Speed Kohler K321AS-60362D 14 Wheel Horse 103918 01-14KE01 1980 C Series Garden Tractor C-145 Automatic Kohler K321AS-60362D 14 Eaton 1100-032 01-14KS01 1980 C Series Garden Tractor C-145 Automatic Kohler K321AS-60362D 14 Sundstrand 90-1173 01-16KE01 1980 C Series Garden Tractor C-165 Automatic Kohler K341AS-71803D 16 Eaton 1100-032 01-16KS01 1980 C Series Garden Tractor C-165 Automatic Kohler K341AS-71803D 16 Sundstrand 90-1173 01-17K801 1980 C Series Garden Tractor C-175 Twin 8-Speed Kohler KT17-24125A 17 Wheel Horse 103916 01-17KE01 1980 C Series Garden Tractor C-175 Twin Automatic Kohler KT17-24125A 17 Eaton 1100-032 01-17KS02 1980 C Series Garden Tractor C-175 Twin Automatic Kohler KT17-24125A 17 Sundstrand 90-1173 01-16K801 1980 C Series Garden Tractor C-165 8-Speed Kohler K341AS-71803D Wheel Horse 103918 01-16OS01 1980 D Series Garden Tractor D-160 Automatic Onan B43M-GA016 16 Sundstrand 90-1173 01-20KS00 1980 D Series Garden Tractor D-200 Automatic Kohler K532S-53105A 20 Sundstrand 90-1173 91-20RG01 1980 D Series Garden Tractor D-250 10-Speed Renault 800-01 20 Gutbrod 252067 03-05BP02 1981 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-51 5-Speed Briggs 130902-0584-01 5 Peerless 724A 03-08BP02 1981 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-81 5-Speed Briggs 191707-5663-01 8 Peerless 724A 03-11BP02 1981 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-111 5-Speed Briggs 252707-0207-01 11 Peerless 724A 01-14E801 1981 A,B,C,E Series Battery Powered E-141 8-Speed 36 VCD Electric 0 Wheel Horse 103918 03-08EP01 1981 A,B,C,E Series Battery Powered E-81 5-Speed 36 VDC Electric 0 Peerless 724A 02-08BP02 1981 B Series Lawn Tractor B-82 4-Speed Briggs 191707-1136-01 8 Peerless 601-001 02-08BP03 1981 B Series Lawn Tractor B-82 4-Speed Briggs 191707-1160-01 8 Peerless 601-001 02-11BP03 1981 B Series Lawn Tractor B-115 5-Speed Briggs 252707-0209-01 11 Peerless 801-002 02-11BP04 1981 B Series Lawn Tractor B-115 5-Speed Briggs 252707-0209-01 11 Peerless 801-002 02-11BX02 1981 B Series Lawn Tractor B-112 4-Speed Briggs 252707-0206-01 11 Peerless 601-001 02-11BX03 1981 B Series Lawn Tractor B-112 4-Speed Briggs 252707-0222-01 11 Peerless 601-001 02-16BP02 1981 B Series Lawn Tractor B-165 Twin 5-Speed Briggs 401707-0111-04 16 Peerless 801-002 02-16BP03 1981 B Series Lawn Tractor B-165 Twin 5-Speed Briggs 401707-0111-04 16 Peerless 801-002 01-08K802 1981 C Series Garden Tractor C-81 8-Speed Kohler K181S-30743D 8 Wheel Horse 103916 01-10K802 1981 C Series Garden Tractor C-105 8-Speed Kohler K241AS-46812D 10 Wheel Horse 103916 01-12K802 1981 C Series Garden Tractor C-125 8-Speed Kohler K301AS-47742 12 Wheel Horse 103916 01-12KE02 1981 C Series Garden Tractor C-125 Automatic Kohler K301AS-47742 12 Eaton 1100-032 01-14K802 1981 C Series Garden Tractor C-145 8-Speed Kohler K321AS-30373D 14 Wheel Horse 103918 01-14KE02 1981 C Series Garden Tractor C-145 Automatic Kohler K321AS-30373D 14 Eaton 1100-032 01-16K802 1981 C Series Garden Tractor C-165 8-Speed Kohler K341AS-71311A 16 Wheel Horse 103918 01-16KE02 1981 C Series Garden Tractor C-165 Automatic Kohler K341AS-71311A 16 Eaton 1100-032 01-17K802 1981 C Series Garden Tractor C-175 Twin 8-Speed Kohler KT17S-24143 17 Wheel Horse 103916 01-17KE01 1981 C Series Garden Tractor C-175 Twin Automatic Kohler KT17-24125A 17 Eaton 1100-032 01-20KS00 1981 D Series Garden Tractor D-200 Automatic Kohler K532S-53105A 20 Sundstrand 90-1173 91-20RG01 1981 D Series Garden Tractor D-250 10-Speed Renault 800-01 20 Gutbrod 252067 01-11B804 1981 GT Series Garden Tractor GT-2500 8-Speed Briggs 252417-0245-01 11 Wheel Horse 5086 23-05BP01 1982 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-51 5-Speed Briggs 130902-0584-01 5 Peerless 724A A3-053201 1982 A Series Rear Engine Rider RR-532 5-Speed Briggs 130902-0584-01 5 Peerless 724A 23-08BP01 1982 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-81 5-Speed Briggs 191707-5663-01 8 Peerless 724A A3-083201 1982 A Series Rear Engine Rider RR-832 5-Speed Briggs 191707-5639-02 8 Peerless 724A 23-11BP01 1982 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-111 5-Speed Briggs 252707-0207-01 11 Peerless 724A 23-11BX01 1982 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-111 5-Speed Briggs 252707-0207-01 11 Peerless 724A 01-14E801 1982 A,B,C,E Series Battery Powered E-141 8-Speed 36 VCD Electric 0 Wheel Horse 103918 03-08EP01 1982 A,B,C,E Series Battery Powered E-81 5-Speed 36 VDC Electric 0 Peerless 724A 02-08BX01 1982 B Series Lawn Tractor B-85 5-Speed Briggs 191707-1136-01 8 Peerless 601-001 02-11BE01 1982 B Series Lawn Tractor B-115 Automatic Briggs 252707-0209-01 11 Eaton 700-004 02-11BH01 1982 B Series Lawn Tractor SB-371 4-Speed Briggs 252417-0245-01 11 Peerless 601-001 02-11BP05 1982 B Series Lawn Tractor B-115 5-Speed Briggs 252707-0209-01 11 Peerless 801-002 02-16BE01 1982 B Series Lawn Tractor B-165 Twin Automatic Briggs 401707-0632-01 16 Eaton 700-004 02-16BP04 1982 B Series Lawn Tractor B-165 Twin 5-Speed Briggs 401707-0632-01 16 Peerless 801-002 01-08K803 1982 C Series Garden Tractor C-81 8-Speed Kohler K181S-30743D 8 Wheel Horse 103916 01-10K803 1982 C Series Garden Tractor C-105 8-Speed Kohler K241AS-46812D 10 Wheel Horse 103916 01-11BH01 1982 C Series Garden Tractor SB-421 8-Speed Briggs 252417-0245-01 11 Wheel Horse 5086 01-12K803 1982 C Series Garden Tractor C-125 8-Speed Kohler K301AS-47742 12 Wheel Horse 103916 01-14KE03 1982 C Series Garden Tractor C-145 Automatic Kohler K321AS-30373D 14 Eaton 1100-032 01-16KH01 1982 C Series Garden Tractor SK-486 8-Speed Kohler K341AS-71311A 16 Wheel Horse 5086 01-17K803 1982 C Series Garden Tractor C-175 Twin 8-Speed Kohler KT17-24200 17 Wheel Horse 103916 01-17KE02 1982 C Series Garden Tractor C-175 Twin Automatic Kohler KT17-24200 17 Eaton 1100-032 01-19KE01 1982 C Series Garden Tractor C-195 Twin Automatic Kohler KT19S-49110 19 Eaton 1100-032 A1-114201 1982 GT Series Garden Tractor GT-1142 8-Speed Briggs 252417-0259-01 11 Wheel Horse 5086 A1-164201 1982 GT Series Garden Tractor GT-1642 8-Speed Briggs 402417-0665-01 16 Wheel Horse 5086 A1-184801 1982 GT Series Garden Tractor GT-1848 Automatic Briggs 422437-0663-01 18 Eaton 1100-032 A2-083201 1982 LT Series Lawn Tractor LT-832 4-Speed Briggs 191707-1160-02 8 Peerless 601-001 A2-113701 1982 LT Series Lawn Tractor LT-1137 5-Speed Briggs 252707-0222-02 11 Peerless 801-002 A2-163701 1982 LT Series Lawn Tractor LT-1637 Twin 5-Speed Briggs 402707-0130-01 16 Peerless 801-002 A2-164201 1982 LT Series Lawn Tractor LT-1642 Twin 5-Speed Briggs 402707-0130-01 16 Peerless 801-002 03-08BP03 1983 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-81 5-Speed Briggs 191707-5821-01 8 Peerless 724A 23-08BP02 1983 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-81 5-Speed Briggs 191707-5821-01 8 Peerless 724A 23-08BX01 1983 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-81 5-Speed Briggs 191707-5821-01 8 Peerless 724A 23-08XP01 1983 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-81 5-Speed Briggs 191707-5821-01 8 Peerless 724A 23-11BP02 1983 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-111 5-Speed Briggs 252707-0648-01 11 Peerless 724A 01-14E801 1983 A,B,C,E Series Battery Powered E-141 8-Speed 36 VCD Electric 0 Wheel Horse 103918 03-08EP01 1983 A,B,C,E Series Battery Powered E-81 5-Speed 36 VDC Electric 0 Peerless 724A 12-11BE01 1983 B Series Lawn Tractor B-115 Automatic Briggs 253707-0131-01 11 Eaton 700-004 12-11BP01 1983 B Series Lawn Tractor B-115 5-Speed Briggs 253707-0131-01 11 Peerless 801-002 12-16BE01 1983 B Series Lawn Tractor B-165 Twin Automatic Briggs 402707-0130-05 16 Eaton 700-004 12-16BP01 1983 B Series Lawn Tractor B-165 Twin 5-Speed Briggs 402707-0130-05 16 Peerless 801-002 11-08K801 1983 C Series Garden Tractor C-85 8-Speed Kohler K181S-30803 8 Wheel Horse 103916 11-10K801 1983 C Series Garden Tractor C-105 8-Speed Kohler K241AS-46812 10 Wheel Horse 103916 11-12K801 1983 C Series Garden Tractor C-125 8-Speed Kohler K301AS-47742 12 Wheel Horse 103916 01-14KE04 1983 C Series Garden Tractor C-145 Automatic Kohler K321AS-30373D 14 Eaton 1100-032 01-17KE03 1983 C Series Garden Tractor C-175 Twin Automatic Kohler KT17-24223 17 Eaton 1100-032 11-17K801 1983 C Series Garden Tractor C-175 Twin 8-Speed Kohler KT17S-24223 17 Wheel Horse 103916 A1-114202 1983 GT Series Garden Tractor GT-1142 8-Speed Briggs 252417-0664-01 11 Wheel Horse 5086 A1-164202 1983 GT Series Garden Tractor GT-1642 Twin 8-Speed Briggs 402417-0665-01 16 Wheel Horse 5086 D1-184801 1983 GT Series Garden Tractor GT-1848 Automatic Briggs 422437-0663-01 18 Eaton 1100-032 A2-083202 1983 LT Series Lawn Tractor LT-832 4-Speed Briggs 191707-2138-01 8 Peerless 601-001 D2-113601 1983 LT Series Lawn Tractor LT-1136 4-Speed Briggs 252707-0657-01 11 Peerless 601-001 D2-113701 1983 LT Series Lawn Tractor LT-1136 4-Speed Briggs 252707-0657-01 11 Peerless 601-001 D2-163701 1983 LT Series Lawn Tractor LT-1637 Twin 4-Speed Briggs 402707-0132-04 16 Peerless 601-001 23-08BP03 1984 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-81 5-Speed Briggs 191707-5821-01 8 Peerless 724A 33-08BP01 1984 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-85 5-Speed Briggs 190707-2167-01 8 Peerless 920-008 23-11BP03 1984 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-111 5-Speed Briggs 252707-0648-01 11 Peerless 724A 33-11BP01 1984 A Series Rear Engine Rider A-111 5-Speed Briggs 252707-0682-01 11 Peerless 829 12-11BP02 1984 B Series Lawn Tractor B-115 5-Speed Briggs 253707-0131-01 11 Peerless 882 12-16BE02 1984 B Series Lawn Tractor B-165 Twin Automatic Briggs 402707-0130-05 16 Eaton 700-004 11-10K802 1984 C Series Garden Tractor C-105 8-Speed Kohler K241AS-46812 10 Wheel Horse 103916 11-12K802 1984 C Series Garden Tractor C-125 8-Speed Kohler K301AS-47742 12 Wheel Horse 103916 11-14KE01 1984 C Series Garden Tractor C-145 Automatic Kohler K321AS-60373 14 Eaton 1100-032 11-16K801 1984 C Series Garden Tractor C-165 8-Speed Kohler K341AS-71311A 16 Wheel Horse 103916 11-17KE01 1984 C Series Garden Tractor C-175 Twin Automatic Kohler KT17S-24223 17 Eaton 1100-032 01-19KE02 1984 C Series Garden Tractor C-195 Twin Automatic Kohler KT19S-49146 19 Eaton 1100-032 A1-11B801 1984 GT Series Garden Tractor GT-1100 8-Speed Briggs 252417-0664-01 11 Wheel Horse 5086 A1-16B801 1984 GT Series Garden Tractor GT-1600 8-Speed Briggs 402437-0694-01 16 Wheel Horse 5086 A1-18BE01 1984 GT Series Garden Tractor GT-1800 Automatic Briggs 422437-0663-01 18 Eaton 1100-032 A2-11BP01 1984 LT Series Lawn Tractor LT-1100 5-Speed Briggs 253707-0158-01 11 Peerless 822 A2-11BX01 1984 LT Series Lawn Tractor LT-1100 4-Speed Briggs 252707-0657-01 11 Peerless 900-003 A2-16BP01 1984 LT Series Lawn Tractor LT-1600 Twin 5-Speed Briggs 402707-0130-01 16 Peerless 822
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