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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2016 in Posts

  1. 12 points
    The day and the life of RJ nuts....
  2. 9 points
    I had a good road trip with my wife and kids today ! They let me bring this home with me.
  3. 8 points
    well this is bs. i just looked outside and while I'm messing around with this bs, my wife is riding off on the IH......
  4. 7 points
    No seat time this winter at all. Was inspired by Vin and Martin's video, so I dug the RJ out of the shed for a ride. No sun so no glare off of the chrome gas cap and polished steering wheel cap. Gotta have some bling! So here's the vid. Sorry about the narrow screen. Got a new phone and if I hold the phone the right way to record, It plays sideways on the phone. Shooting it with the phone upright, It plays it ok on the phone but shows up sideways on the puter. Youtube plays it the right way but with the narrow screen. I will have to experiment with a shorter video to get it right in the future.
  5. 7 points
    maybe one day Terry........ (that could be referring to the 682 or the snow, for that matter!!!) neighborhood cleanup....... Jeanine sneaked out there to ride them while i was messing with this stupid youtube upload stalling for what seemed like forever, she didn't want to get on the horses, said they were too clean, but the old one was fair game. They are all for riding i told her......I got her on the plow 416 eventually and only managed to get a little video....... might just have to get some more of the red out now...... She's a keeper for many reasons........
  6. 7 points
  7. 6 points
    FYI You can click on link below to see a local radio station report. You can also click on the radio feed to hear Dale taalking about the American Pickers visit. http://max983.net/2015/10/american-pickers-visit-marshall-county-man/ A fellow Hoosier is going to be on American Pickers on this upcoming Wednesday. Dale Stockman of Plymouth, Indiana is a Wheel Horse owner and a very interesting guy to meet. I highly recommend watching, taping or usetting for DVR to catch this episode of American Pickers. They visted Dale on September 16th, 2015 for a full days taping.
  8. 6 points
  9. 6 points
    while all this was going on, some of the singles kicked up a fuss, so 1057, c125 and c160 came out for a run.......
  10. 6 points
    Well, in my neck of the woods, we got about 24", not counting the drifting. Since I am unable to exercise the horses for a while, we headed to Oakland, MD this weekend with all of my grandsons. I said "the heck with 18 degree temperatures and 36" of snow, we're getting in the hot tub". Here's the old man with my four grandsons in the 103 degree water at my daughter's vacation chalet at Deep Creek Lake.
  11. 6 points
    Didn't get a ton done this week ..was working on a couple other tractors, but giving a little update. Filled in the holes in the hubs...my dad bought a new mig welder for the body shop that uses silicon bronze. It does a really nice job of sealing things off, he really likes it so far. Finished blasting the front rims, they are in pretty nice shape but still have some minor pitting that will need fixed. Still need to finish the rears Progress so far on the frame...got all the holes welded up and need to finish the filler and weld a new foot pedal on, this 1 was bent and pitted pretty bad. And got the hood clean enough to try and get a friend to do some tig welding on it. Just wire wheeled it very carefully and then beadblasted the top where the repairs need to be done...I will blast the whole thing again before primer.
  12. 6 points
    I just broke down and bought one the first of the year. Mainly for the camera, and I don`t have to carry a photo album with me. Now all I have to do is learn how to use it. Besides, I wasn`t ready to have one of those buttons hanging around my neck like my 95 year old mother..
  13. 5 points
    and his name is Tony Ruggiero ( a.k.a Doc Wheel Horse) So I was asked to consider taking this position and its more about helping people have a good time out on the water and assist with breakdowns, navigation or any other minor issues. There's no gun, no cuffs and although I do have arrest powers and the ability to write tickets should some jackass decide the rules aren't for them it never happens. Last year 17 "rescues" where made.... I do have to patrol and keep my eyes open (homeland security stuff) and will have a radio to contact the Dept. of Environmental protection officers or the U.S.C.G or the local Wethersfield P.D. should something need more attention than I can give. Its a paid (once per year like volunteer firefighters) position and I do get uniforms and a nice center console boat with a big Yamaha to drive around. If I see a Redsquare sticker attached to the windshield of your boat you get an automatic free pass... Tony
  14. 5 points
  15. 5 points
    Nice day to be out Martin. Your horses still look top notch Mate...and you are right about music to the ears.
  16. 4 points
    My entire family on my mothers side were dairy farmers, when her younger brother passed at 94 ( yes, he was actively running the family farm at that age ) we all feared it wouldn't continue. His granddaughter's husband ( a 27 yearn old civil engineer who helped around the farm ) stepped up and became a farmer! He had paid attention to what Uncle Ted had done and was an answered prayer for all of us. That was three years ago and he has upgraded the equipment and increased the size of the dairy herd. Uncle Ted was one of the happiest people in the world, he loved farming; now his grandson-in-law has that same wonderful look of contentment. He gave up a lucrative career that gave him little satisfaction for a life of pride and self-satisfaction. It is too bad that there aren't more young people that want to continue a small business that has served the needs of a community for generations. That was my second trip to the soap box today, got to lighten up.
  17. 4 points
    The classic Red Green ending... but no no duct tape, what's up with that?
  18. 4 points
    Yep, thats the decal work of my bud, Terry........
  19. 4 points
    Another one of my heroes. When I was a youngster, "Our Gang", had a club house built in the lower pasture that we played in every Saturday morning, but when it was time for the Lone Ranger Show, we all ran for the house about a 1/2 mile away. Me being one of the smaller kids, I had trouble keeping up with the older boys. I still remember yelling " don't turn it on till I get there". I didn't want to miss any of the show. Thanks for the memories Dick.
  20. 4 points
    If you have to ask , you are! Wear a hat in case of sparks! Great video!
  21. 4 points
    312 Hydro I don't own a cell phone either . My wife has a cell phone a flip type. If some one wants me they have my land line phone number , they can leave a message on the answering machine. They can contact me if the have my email address. Do you remember when you could shop in a store and the cashier was not talking or flipping around on the phone while taking your money. One better is when the cashier could make correct change when you handed them $5.26 for a $4.26 bill .
  22. 4 points
    I don't own one.........I guess I'm getting old. Actually,I prefer to talk on a phone rather than type and surf. Definitely showing my age as I remember a childhood without computers too.There was also a time without 's .But I must not speak of this as it was a bleak and dismal time devoid of happiness.
  23. 4 points
  24. 3 points
    I feel like the Thin Man after watching that video...like I could fit through 16" center studs on new construction. Jenny Craig comes to mind. Anyway, I saw some snow at 2:50 in the video...you could have plowed that...but you did not have a blade. WTF!!! Were you wearing socks?? A monkey on the hood would have been a nice touch. It was a great video Mike!! I hope everyone knows that I am just kidding. We are in search of snow.
  25. 3 points
    Be careful. Water effects us older guys in certain ways!
  26. 3 points
    Awesome! Bring on the Kohlers at the show!
  27. 3 points
    Sweet Music!!!!!!
  28. 3 points
    Yeah, but... wasn't that Tonto's job?
  29. 3 points
    A follower of who Alfred E. Newman ? What me worry. Spy vs Spy
  30. 3 points
  31. 3 points
    We had a big old radio that was taller than me. We would sit in front of it about 12 inches from the speaker. I couldn't wait til the Lone Ranger came on. Remember how the Lone Ranger would tell Tonto to go into town to get information about some bad guy ? Seems like he would almost always get caught and they would beat the crap out of him. We would all be yelling ( don't go to town Tonto ) but he never listened. Brings back some good old memories, thanks for sharing.
  32. 3 points
    Well I found an old sales flyer with prices from 1999...anyways heading to WV today to see what kind of deal I may or may not strike...I'll keep you posted
  33. 3 points
    I don't have an addiction I don't have an addiction I don't have an addiction I don't have an addiction I don't have an addiction But I will have another
  34. 3 points
    When I joined, I just picked a name I would remember next time I needed to sign in, figuring I would find some quick info and then leave. Quickly found out I was not only addicted to WH, but to Red Square as well. I was thinking of changing my name, but didn't want to confuse everyone
  35. 3 points
    The Chambersburg Comfort Inn ? I made mind about a month ago and was not sure the would have a single when I made it. Now I have to move, all your witty banter maybe disturbing for an Ole Goat like me.
  36. 3 points
    Especially Ditto on your last two sentences Jim. Marvin
  37. 2 points
    Subject: Fwd: Death of Conversation
  38. 2 points
    Good information. I gave my insignificant other one of those for Christmas a few years ago. May put her to work..
  39. 2 points
    That could be a good negotiating strategy though, get the seller to feel sympathetic!
  40. 2 points
    That is a nice haul. I have to leave my wife when I go to look at anything used. Comments and the dagger stares are too much for my tired ole bones.
  41. 2 points
    A couple of workers in the U.P. of Mi. T Mix
  42. 2 points
    I liked the sound . Music to lovers ears.
  43. 2 points
    Be happy about that... Likes driving tractors??? From the sounds of it, she's a keeper...
  44. 2 points
  45. 2 points
    Just booked. Days Inn Chambersburg. Intersection of 81 and 30. Lots of Eateries nearby.
  46. 2 points
    It was tough figuring out if the glare was from the torch or your head... Just kidd'n
  47. 2 points
    Believe it is an 854. Will be cleaning it down this weekend. Plan is to get it down to frame and paint, replace some hoses, belts ect. Engine and transmission operate fine....any other suggestions? This is my first horse, and have a lot to learn.
  48. 2 points
    Well this tractor came with a 6hp , so going to a 4hp that is bored .020 over and a reground cam to help with the HP should work ok I think , if I find later that its not enough power I will then change out the stock carb to a racing go kart carb and then would be well above the 6hp mark , its only going to be pushing a small snow plow that I am going to fab up once the tractor is done that will be about half the weight for a stock wheel horse plow , My C120 will do all the hard work with the snow blower and this one will do the clean up work
  49. 2 points
    After almost a year of having to do it because of an injury? If my wife made enough money? I could do it. In this time I have been off? I had the grandkids several times 5yrs. old and 10mos. respectively. I did all of the household chores and even mowed the grass on time. All with limited use of my right arm. The secret is? Get your chores done early. Household and garden chores. Then I always seemed to have time to go to the store, piddle with my toys. go fishing and play with the grandkids. I even threw in a couple of Auctions here and there. Oh yes. I could do it. And. If you can do it? I would fully approve. Pat
  50. 2 points
    "Before and after" of my first and only restoration, a 1976 C-120.
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