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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2015 in Posts

  1. 9 points
    I'm going to start this in TRACTORS...knowing I'm going to get out the 702 in the morning for pics. This is the 1st snow of the season...it is always special. I once again get to move snow and not just go around in circles cutting grass. I was out there in a T-Shirt 3 hours ago. Shot these tonight...
  2. 7 points
    Eleven O Clock at night. Plowing snow in the dark. Woke up neighbors. Neighbors think your talking to your self can't see you are making video. Neighbors think you're crazy, and avoid you like the plague next day......... What a great idea..... I'm gonna try that myself! I had a neighbor when I still lived in town that would mow his lawn about dawn on Sunday mornings......... I can't tell you what I did to him.......This is a family forum....
  3. 5 points


    I'm looking for you wonderful folks here at to critic this new purchase. Tell me what you think it may need or what possibilities there are for it. I'm open to all suggestions and information. It seems to be in good shape, and mostly complete.
  4. 5 points
    Got all of the plow's and Ag's on this year's plow fleet, ready for snow!
  5. 5 points
    Here is our "winter wonderland" and a couple pics of my hubby, Rich, putting the Honda powered 520H and the 44" two stage to good use. Very wet snow about 8" deep. I had trouble posting using Internet explorer. I switched to Google Chrome and posting was fine. Red
  6. 5 points
    414-8 0n the right now has a 48" blade, sold the 42" along with a Commando. Running out of room. Note: I keep blades off the floor, out of the drip, drip, melting snow 'n ice.
  7. 4 points
    Just thought I'd post my new (used) 2000 314-8 I found at a local dealer, only has 215 hours, with a 42" RD deck in excellent shape. This makes the 5th one for my herd. Looking forward to mowing next year with this instead of my SK 482.
  8. 4 points
    He are a couple of late runners of mine
  9. 4 points
    Stevasaurus The new "Prince of Darkness" My feet got cold watching that!
  10. 4 points
    Scotch and Holy Water! Works great when you need it.
  11. 3 points
    I bought these off Amazon. Cheap, but they are still better than the original headlights. I wanted something that would fit in the same holes. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00UYMRNOU?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00 Made a little U shaped bracket, welded the light brackets to it, screwed it to the headlight support. Original wiring intact. My light meter on my phone showed 792 Lux with the originals, 185944 with the new ones.
  12. 3 points
    I have been messing around with this since Tuesday. I believe it is finished? I still have to put on bottom scraper plate on, other than that it`s done. I tired to put slit collars on weld together but not heavy enough. so I thought lets go look in the junk pile. Sure enough there was the eyebolt sitting there. I had use a punch to expand the ring size but as you can see this is not going any where H.D. thinking got rid of the 3/8`s connection all 1/2" now. Enjoy the pick`s. OHH this was a Simplicity plow. In one of the pick`s you can see I cut off some of metal to make shorter. It works great now one hand up and down. This was a fun project to work on. Mind over matter. Gary B.........
  13. 3 points
    My latest Connecticut rescue... originally purchased locally, and finally back home where they belong.
  14. 3 points
    Looks fine to me, just clean it up real good, be surprised what a difference it'll make
  15. 3 points
    It's a winter wonderland!!! I love it!!! Going out to put the blower on the 520H. What fun it is!!!!! Red
  16. 3 points
    I see there were a few questions,,,,, 1.....what is it with having 4 857's?? I dunno,,,,,But would love to have an 8 speed,,,,,i bet there is a model and i just dont know it...2 of them are really clean..one is coming together this winter....got a pic.... 2,,, yes,,,,,,the tires do look hugh.......just 23's on 10 inch wide wheels......paid $20.00 for both wheels....mower shop.....guy had a pile.....said i was helping him 3, someone said the hubs look a little wide......i agree.....im gonna fix that...... 4,,,,and the hitch,,,,,,yes i got it from Tom.......i have 2,,,,,should have been a factory option.... i left a name out of the story.....Mike Wall.......he had a blue kohler 4 hp...looked like it has never ran.....$50.00,,,,,cant beat that,,,,,lost my debit card,,,,,had no money the last 2 days of the show......had SOME cash......Mike sent me home with the engine....NO money,,,,gave me his card,,so i could send $$$ after i got home....((later i found the card in my dirty pants.......Mike,,,i never thanked you for that.!!!!!! 5, RMAYNARD,,,,he rescued my wheels,,"",and he was the one that had a red machine fall on him"",,,,bandaged ankle to prove it. Man didnt know me from Shinola...(( where ever that is )) 6, how did i maage to blow up the tires??,,,,,,,easy answer,,,,,,Tubes..... 7,,,and a pic.....857 reconstruction,,,,,,i have those triple crome plated nuts.....$5.00 a pair.......
  17. 3 points
    Brian has received the carbs and is working on them. One is from a M14 and the other one from a K-341. I'm trying to get my horses in the best mechanical condition possible. They all have many hours of work ahead of them. I'm not ready to plunk down $10,000 for a commercial duty zero turn. I would not be happy with that anyway. I like Wheel Horses and Harley Davidsons. American made, air cooled and carbureted.
  18. 3 points
    All I know, is that good ol' fashioned, sweet cherry pie is still my all time favorite. Even better iffin it's a bit on the tart side...just sayin'.
  19. 2 points
    this post is for the lucky few who have acquired a 420LSE and really would like to find a decal set. I have spoken with many of you about the difficulty in getting a decent set made. I purchased another companies chrome vinyl and have locked myself in the shop for the weekend. Here is a picture of the maintenance decal. I make lots of brushed chrome decals for many of the 60's tractors and Kohler engines with acceptable results but the size of the 420 hood decals causes problems during lamination. I ruined the first run of hood decals due to excessive moisture soaking into the chrome vinyls liner. I wish they would make this vinyl on a 90# liner like the normal wrap vinyl. that would solve the problem. I am going to try printing just the left and right side decals only in the middle of the 15 inch vinyl which will allow me to reload for cutting even though the edges of the vinyl may be too thin from moisture. Another problem with chrome vinyls is that they are very delicate on the surface. Just lightly wiping dust particles with a swiffer can leave light but visible scratches. Plus they are not nearly as easy to install as the air escape wrap vinyl most of my decals are made on. I know 4 members who have been wanting me to attempt making these again so I am giving it a good try. Stay tuned for further developments!!
  20. 2 points
    I recently purchased 2 aftermarket voltage regulators. They were around $27 a piece shipped and arrived a few days later. After installed, I checked them with my multi-meter, which by the way I am proficient at using. I had to run the engine just about wide open to get (only) 11.85 VDC out of either of the regulators! The company that I purchased them from wanted me to give them a good review on their Ebay site, but I told them I couldn't because of the 2 defective VR I purchased. They did send a UPS label for me to return the 2 VR and said I would get a refund. I guess they will send the refund after they get the parts back. I don't know if I was just unlucky to get 2 units that didn't work, or all of their "Made in Taiwan" units are defective. But, I have learned a lesson the hard way...You get what you pay for!! Oh, and I think for their review I will say, "Quick shipping to the customer." "Quick return label for returning defective parts"! Maybe that isn't what they are looking for..
  21. 2 points
    Got to try out the new (to me) tall chute blower on my 520h. Past owner inherited the blower from his dad, who apparently never used it. Works outstanding! Put on a set of terra-chains this year, they seem great as well. I have had my 520h for a little over a year, and I scored that with right at 100 hours on the clock. All the craigslist shopping seems to have paid off.....just don't tell my wife..... Hope Iowa gets hammered with snow the rest of the night so I can have fun in the morning.
  22. 2 points
  23. 2 points
    I have a wheel horse 310-8 and I'm really interested in restoring it. I would love to repaint it and make it look original but I don't have a paint gun. Any ideas?
  24. 2 points


    I'm probably going to leave it as it is. But the drive belt guard is all rust, and no paint. What could I do with that?
  25. 2 points


    Awesome survivor... heres hoping you don't restore it.
  26. 2 points
    A professional hunter tire mounting and demounting machine for example is very expensive and are about 3500 dollars and a machine to road force balance a tire for a car or truck is about 12000 dollars. Plus the skilled labor to not scratch the fancy aluminum rims costs time and money. Yes everyone is looking for a fair price but remember that time and skill and equipment costs money. If you have no money and lots of time then that's another situation. Remember you have a job too and I would hope that others value your skills and time and investments in equipment also when they need what you have to offer.
  27. 2 points
    I have Student Loans for myself until I'm 76! But then I all I want to do is: https://youtu.be/guUS3_h2Ybc
  28. 2 points
    Hey, just wanted to chime in, I'm in Mansfield Mo and this morning we are getting our first snow!!
  29. 2 points
    Nice early snow. Steve doesn't get sick because there is no blood in his feet in the winter! His feet are filled with Freon. I think that doctor needs his head examined!
  30. 2 points
    Holy gun smoke batman! That Dino guy is using every trick in the book to get some seat time!
  31. 2 points
    You need to get some lights working on that plow tractor Buddy. I couldn't tell if you had socks on or not.
  32. 2 points
    Glenn...Rock & Rye is like a hot totie in a glass. Sometimes you just need to get out in the cold...it is healthy. A little dark, but here is the video...about 11:00PM...maybe get one in the day light in the morning. You have to like plowing snow at night. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIdM6cl3lzA
  33. 2 points
    Yep...at the moment, if you step on it...it is slush. Not going to be able to blow this stuff. Here is the bad thing...it stops snowing Saturday afternoon and goes below freezing into Sunday. You have to move this Saturday afternoon, or you may be chipping this all winter. This is really early for us...you can see the green in the trees yet. This is great for the plants tough...including the grass...not to bad for dinos either.
  34. 2 points
    41 months until retirement for me, not that I'm counting or anything
  35. 2 points
    You guys are not going to believe this. My wife (Chris) had the ticket and went up there and picked that lamp shade. What you do not know...she knew that my Mom had that kind of lamp with a broken lamp shade like that. My Mom was thrilled (86) to get that shade, and it meant more to her that I had worn it as a hat. We rode all he way from Penn back to Illinois with that shade on the dash of my truck (seamed to just like that spot and no other safe place to keep it). How many special stories are there out there?? Dennis, we have a job to do this winter...been waiting for it to slow down. You know when I think back on all of it, at that show, it was John (Wallfish) that made it all work. I learned a lot that day from John, and I had Howard send me pictures in E-Mail of the belt stops John made...and I have used those pictures a few times to explain what belt guards do and how you can get around them if you do not have a guard. Pretty special.
  36. 2 points
    Steve. you and I just "hit it off" from the start! And then again when we chatted on the phone! Now both you and I are, I hope both nice guys, but I swear somehow if you add a bit of WH then some sort of extra something enters! "Pond Dust" I think! The fact that you & I would have taken the time to reread an online forum several times to glean something special,,,, Well, you old fart! And you are older than I by a bit, now. Pretty good bunch of guys here! Pretty good bunch of guys my friend! We got some work to to to help out!
  37. 2 points
    Dennis, i have read this myself 3 or 4 times today. Howard is just one of those people you meet at a show that is a member on RS and you just hit it off. That horse that he has is really special. He showed up at the show a couple years ago, like he said, had this nice looking horse...wheels fell off, couldn't shift it, out of gas...he seemed like he was lost. Wallfish, RMaynard, the guys with the gas cans (with where that happened...I'm guessing it was Connecticut guys) just came to the rescue. I am thinking it was Thursday...the laid back day at the show. Everything came together and Howard was showing the horse off. This is an excellent story of what happens at the Big Show. If you ever get a chance to make this show, you need to do it once. Good luck just doing it once after you meet all the people and see all the horses. I was just going to go once (12 hour drive), and next year will be my 6th time. Meeting Howard a couple of years ago is just the icing on the cake. This is what it is all about. I knew I had a picture of Howard...Here ya go my friend. Hey, didn't you guys beat Ohio St last year. Just looking at that T-Shirt.
  38. 2 points
    She may give you everything in that shed if you fix the hole in the roof.
  39. 2 points
    Yes, I work daily 6:30 to 3:00 PM and will until I am 70+ years old! I started life (divorced & remarried) again at 40 so I am in debt the rest of my life! I look forward to 3PM Friday when the 4:30 AM alarm sounds on Monday!
  40. 2 points
  41. 2 points
    thank you. Yep ive lived in or around Gettysburg pretty much my whole life. helped out on my grandfathers farmette . but I was only introduces to WHEELHORSE tractors earlier this year by my father in law . when my mower broke down he gave me a C-120 and I became instantly addicted ! and yes I cant wait for the wheel horse show it will be my first one.
  42. 2 points
    In the mid '50s my dad was looking at options for a garden tractor including an RJ, but he chose a Rototiller which I walked behind about a million miles. It is long gone but I still have those cast iron wheels just like the ones used on the "Roundhoodzilla". I had planned on using them on a non-horse but may change my mind. I could have been riding a , but dad bought a Rototiller, I sure miss my dad.
  43. 2 points
    I think we have all the pictures picked for this year's calendar. Unless the Mods lock the thread, you can still post your pictures...just know that they will not be in this year's PDF. Thanks to all that participated, the pictures are outstanding. Look for Squonk to start an order thread if you want to get a professional calendar.
  44. 2 points
    1998 522xi 600ish hours 52" deck
  45. 1 point


    That's definitely a dandy. The 854's used a key switch and not a push button. The key switch did bear the full starter current though so you'd need to get the appropriate one. The ones with the push button starter were undoubtedly installed because they didn't have the proper key switch to handle the current. They could have installed a solenoid. No harm done. The tie rods are on wrong. They must have connected them from the backside on the steering shaft plate. Should be from the front with the nut on the back. They should connect to the spindles from below with the nut on the top. All simple fixes though.
  46. 1 point
    Indiana, Iowa Minnesota, The Penn State Nittany Lions, Rutgers, Wisconsin, Ohio State, Notre Dame
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
    Is he rebuilding with good parts or us he making parts. From what I have seen him build I think he can make anything. Definitely a true craftsman.
  49. 1 point
    Since I retired, half the time I don`t know what day it is.
  50. 1 point
    Nice picks Jim...I think you need to invest in a grenade launcher, or maybe a mortar firering thingy. Looks like the perfect place. Photon torpedoes would help to fill in that hole.
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