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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2013 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Just about ready for winter. Still have to paint some turf tires to put on the back of the 702 to put chains on, and put the weights on the 141. Other than that...they are ready to go!
  2. 3 points
    Well, thanks to a couple of RS members hear who were watching out for me (Wheel-N-It), and (whc160) I'll be heading out Thursday to pick up a C-160 8 speed with attachments! Now hear is the part where some of you guys will start booooooing. It was factory equipped with an OH160 16hp Tecumseh. I've been wanting a C-160 for a very long time, and I thought all of them were equipped with the K341 Thumper, but I was mistaken. It figures, that the only C-160 for sale in Texas would have a Tecky! I'm still very happy, especially with all the attachments, mowing deck, WH tiller, WH dump cart, and harrow, which I don't believe to be original. I'm excited! Matt
  3. 3 points
    Here is a better picture of the truck. Its one of my senior pictures.
  4. 3 points
    I totally stripped the two B80 transmission this afternoon. Got both sets of 1533's out without damage. They are both good. I found my old slide hammer that I had inherited from my father but never used. Well I used it today and it worked very well. One set came out a lot easier than the other.
  5. 2 points
    I have my blower ripped apart and waiting on bearings and this is what I found this morning. This is the earliest we have had snow in a few years.
  6. 2 points
    Like what was said above, I have found that "SEA FOAM" mixed in with the gas, works as a great stabilizer. Leave the tank full and run out the carb after shutting off the gas pet cock. I am in northern Illinois, so I run them until the end of November and get them going again in March, so they are only sitting about 3 months. Two of the four horses I have are used during the winter months...that is the best thing to do. Use them...I have found that they love the snow...if you do not get snow...run them around the block and take some videos.
  7. 2 points
    here is a photo of the model t, even has a pickup back that can be changed out. there are 4 oil lamps that might look good on an rj. i thought you were refering to the tri-plex when i mentioned the weight.
  8. 1 point
    Picked this up last week and hadn't had a chance to post pictures yet. I was looking for a Horse to help move some snow this winter, and although this isn't exactly the direction I was planning on going, this one was in such good condition and a good price so I couldn't pass it up. It is by far, the best original seat I have found on one. The engine runs good, but has a non-original engine block. The Sears snow blower is way more than I need so have posted it on classifieds. Hate to break up the set since it is in good condition and someone did a pretty nice job installing it on this tractor, but it takes up too much room to keep "just in case". I plan on just running it with the snow blade this winter. I think I got all the blade parts (have angle handle, just not in pics) except one of the rods for the angle lock mechanism, but hopefully that isn't too hard to make. . It also came with a bucket of parts. I think most are for a mower deck mule drive, but there is one part (middle of picture) I can't identify. It has a bend at one end and a threaded trunnion on the other. The bent end looks like it was welded on to something else at some point. Since the blower is pretty close to WH red, I can't tell if it is a WH part or from the blower. There is also a pin on a chain that seems a little fancy to just be a hitch pin, but maybe that is all it is. If anybody recognizes either, please post here.
  9. 1 point
    Thought some of you might enjoy seeing some pictures of my vehicles. From left to right its The 1990 Ford bronco II with the 2.9 v-6 and 5 speed manual. Then the 1969 F500 with a 390ci v-8 with 4 speed manual then the 1969 F100 240ci strait six and a 4 speed manual. This is my first truck my dad and i restored this truck a year and a half ago.
  10. 1 point
    Growing up dad always had a 196x's Wheel Horse he'd use to drag things around the property. I always thought that thing was bada**. Now I have a place of my own and got sucked into a deal, sight unseen, on craigslist and I'm hoping I have made the right decision. I am paying $325 for 2 mowers. The seller said the one that runs is the one that fits the snow plow but I have no idea which one that would be either. Hopefully this will end up being a fun winter project to take up some recently cleaned space in the garage. Appreciate any advice or guesses on what years these are. All feedback appreciated. Glad to join the forum. Jay
  11. 1 point
    I'll agree with the others - all my tractors with the tank under the seat take a lot longer to start if they have been sitting for a while. I've never bothered to fix any of them, but my feeling is that the fuel drains back to the tank leaving air in the line. Wish I could remember to shut off the fuel when I am done.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    If all else fails my dad has a 8ft plow for his truck too. lol
  14. 1 point
    looks like you guys are ready to tackle anything that comes along.....
  15. 1 point
    Just got home from the Yorkanna,Pa. Steam-o-rama show. Didn't have my camera last night for the garden tractor pulls. The Kohlers dominated, but most of them were painted Yellow. Here are a few pics of the truck pull today. The cummins won for the most noise and smoke, but the duramax took the sled to the barn. Sorry to say the power strokes failed to show.
  16. 1 point
    I must have been on the southern end of it
  17. 1 point
    Jdog got a techy C160 once. The hood stands a little taller on them to accommodate the height on the engine. The front hinges are a bit different. Looked so cool I tired the hinges on my 160 I had but they didn't fit. Must be something different at the hood stand.
  18. 1 point
    on the "SEAFOAM" fuel treatment!
  19. 1 point
    anyone have more trees that this. i don't even live here. inherited the property. if got circles down pat. photos had to be croped down to fit. hope these photos work with the space allowed. will post my tractor with a reply, won't fit.
  20. 1 point
    Matt, you've got the only Tecky C160 I have ever seen. Its a rarity for sure, at least here in NC. I'd sure like to see that one running on YouTube if you ever get around to uploading a video there. Congragulations friend !!!
  21. 1 point
    Bob, how about a picture of that tool you came by...would help others...including me. As you found out...I am not done learning also.
  22. 1 point
    Just a guess Garry
  23. 1 point
    I've bought bearings from USA BEARINGS AND BELTS http://www.usabearingsandbelts.com/ . Good prices and free shipping, They also sell on eBay. I needed 4 bearings for a mower deck .... $16.50 shipped! $8 each locally.
  24. 1 point
    This is the place I found them: http://www.thebigbearingstore.com/index.html. A couple were not displayed or were close but not quite right on their site, so I called and a very knowledgeable lady gave me numbers to look at from me describing them and they had everything including sprockets. She will try to make sure the hidden ones will now show in their online store.
  25. 1 point
    I am a BIG 520 fan and they are great tractors. Nothing else compares to them but if it only takes you an hour to mow your lawn ( I assume you have a 42" deck ) and you don't plow that much snow, well it doesn't make much sense to change. That said, I would be over there with the money before it's gone assuming it is in good shape. You won't believe how it feels to be on one of those tractors. Your neighbors will be envious as all get out. $700 sounds good but it all depends on condition. You could spend that money and end up putting much more into it to make it reliable.
  26. 1 point
    PapaMike...I agree with you...it is a good chance for "upset week". I've looked at the tea leaves, tried meditation. checked the stats and standings, and did the nut hanging by a string from a #2 pencil. I had Pink Floyd on while in meditation. All the stars are in alignment and my feelings are telling me...go with the Home Teams. With all that said...I am taking...Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Ohio St. Oh ya...Maroon beats Red...Yellow beats Purple...Orange beats Green...Grey beats White :happy-jumpeveryone:
  27. 1 point
    Worse case of denial ever saw ! .............Understandable really, great tractor.
  28. 1 point
    Thank you, I really appreciate it! I rounded up a gasket for the case halves this morning, and am waiting on Napa to deliver my seals and outer axle needle bearings. My differential from Bob is due in tomorrow, so hopefully tomorrow night I'll be reinstalling the transmission! Of course now last night I got the K181 running in the B80 and have discovered a massive leak between the two halves of the fuel pump, so now I'll have to get after that, but oh well. These little projects keep me out of trouble, anyway. -Dan
  29. 1 point
    Thanks for the kudos, I appreciate it. I forgot to say, the grill on this hood was punted pretty bad so I cut it out and just put in a piece of perforated steel, I always liked that look.
  30. 1 point
    I'm proud to say not too many have been added here. A 1054 and a 310-8 is probably about it in the last 2 years or so. I'm down to a fairly reasonable 11 these days!
  31. 1 point
    Thought of you guys and this topic when I stumbled on this You Tube video from Farm Progress 2013 -- Lot of other videos from there also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpxnjJuh764
  32. 1 point
    I use a slide hammer with an internal 2 leg puller attachment. Ideally you shouldn't hammer or pull on the inner race (while the outer race is constrained) but I've never hurt one. They aren't in there too tight.
  33. 1 point
    What does the tag on the side say? just under the gas tank. that would tell you what they are and for more info you would need to post serial numbers and model numbers. There should be a tag either on the left side of the tractor under the gas tank support or under the dash right in front of the shifter. Nice looking tractors .
  34. 1 point
    I believe you Martin, really. Matt
  35. 1 point
    Bob, I use a slide hammer. I also have a 1/2" carriage bolt @ 6" long that I have ground part of the head off so it will fit under the bearing and I use that to pry the bearing up a little if I can't get the slide hammer jaws under it. I got that idea from Steve. Works well for me.
  36. 1 point
    van, im liking the 416 even with all its little quirks. all the safety switches and electrical are driving me nuts. nothing that a good wiring makeover wont take care of though. i guess i cant get away from onans either, been messing with a few engines the last 6-8 months and while i appreciate all the engineering built into them, i like the simplicity of the kohlers and especially the cheaper parts. always liked the looks of these tractors, but weren't coming across any when it was buying time and then just recently this one came up. i think this one will be a keeper, its going to get a few mods and some work done on it, but first i need to sort out all the adjustment and electrical issues. still undecided if it will get a teardown and shine up though. pulled the deck after finally prying my wife off it and hooked up one of the blades i have. all ready to push a bit of snow now....... got a set of chains with it as well so if needed i will put them on too.....
  37. 1 point
    Well done Matt and good of the Guys to keep a lookout for you , Look's like it will scrub up well................. not sure what's going on with the Block attached to the Clutch Pedal ...Kiddie Ride maybe?. I'm sure that Techy will always behave and work hard at your command. Look forward to seeing it and the other bits shining bright in the Texas Sunshine.
  38. 1 point
    Actually, you do not need to do anything to that hole...just put a little finger of all that grease you pulled out back in there or a dab of silicone calk...that hole sits right against the mounting plate as Bob said. What you may want to do thought, is take a 1/4" drill bit and run it through all those holes by hand to just clean the passage way out so the detente balls work like they should. If those balls are worn, they are 1/4" stainless steel balls...available at ACE Hardware one at a time for about .25 cents apiece. Also...take a look at your reverse idler gear. I can't tell in the picture, but the bevel side should be up. Bob that transmission of yours looks like it just came from the factory. WOW
  39. 1 point
    Better use a set-screw that can be tightened to below the surface since that is the side that mounts to the frame.
  40. 1 point
    Looking at your last 2 pictures...on your splined shaft (the one with the fork gears on it) that little pinion gear goes on top of the "C" clip. It should set even with and engage the reduction gear on the top of the cluster gear shaft. (look at your 1st picture in Post # 16). Man, it cleaned up great.
  41. 1 point
    the one on the left has the worst amount of pitting of the 2 in the chrome, but they will look great on the 416H... now i need to hunt down some rears.......
  42. 1 point
    Bringing this back for an update. I got side tracked on buying a few surplus generators and heaters and going over them and painting them up all pretty . I finally painted the hood and put some decals on, didn't get to the 520's tires yet, they may end up on the other 160 along with the reduction steering. Also used the hydro to drag the log splitter out to work.
  43. 1 point
    Steve, Several years ago I painted this with Regal Red using a small foam roller and a brush. It turned out pretty good.
  44. 1 point
    I think a roller would be a better choice. Or if you want, mail the blade to me and I'll spray it. You pay return postage. Just think of the looks you will get in your neck of the woods, You driving a red tractor with a Green & Gold snowblade!
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