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  • SOLD - 414-8 Worker and deck, thrower, snowblade, lawn sweeper, and wheel weights

    • Closed
      Price: $1100 for all, sold as a lot only
      Location: Fairfield County, Ct
      Contact: daniel_sholler@yahoo.com

    A sad day, but I a moving to a much smaller house and it is time to give up my Wheel Horse. I am selling the tractor and all the equipment as a single lot, so please do not send offers for bits and pieces (if you want the bits, buy the whole things and sell the stuff you don't want). 

    It is a 1987 414-8 worker in good shape. Used this week to cut a 2 acre lawn. it comes with: 

    48" mower deck
    Single stage short stack snowthrower
    Snowblade (not yet pictured, will add) 
    3x5 Dump cart (I assume generic since no WH logos anywhere, but is red with white hubs) 

    Craftsman 38 lawn sweeper

    WH wheel weights

    tire chains

    misc spares and lubrication tools 
    cash offer, buyer provides transport, Fairfield CT near the Merritt. post-6380-0-60657900-1350053168_thumb.jpg

    photo 2.JPG



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    Do you have some pictures, 

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    It’s hard to get the pics you posted to open..got a couple and here they are for anyone interested.






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