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  • C-145 automatic

    • Closed
      Price: 800
      Location: Flat Rock, Mi

    C-145 Auto


    Gave it to my grandfather, who has passed, when he wasn't able to lift heavy implements anymore.  We're a WH family everyone has one but we don't need this one any more.  Comes with a WH blower.  The last time I saw it it was in really good shape but it has been a few years since it moved snow, it was mostly used for mowing but I can't include the deck another family member owns it.


    I replaced a ton of parts to ensure it was in good shape including the rubber engine mounts, drive belt, oil and hydro filter, etc.  Cleaned the head, full tune up, carb, etc.


    It does not have the original muffler it has a stack (with a flapper) which I think looks cool but obviously isn't original.  Seat is after market as well.  And I swapped the plastic fenders for metal which are infinitely better.  I may have some other WH parts that can go with it as well, or be negotiated separately.  We are in a hurry to clean out his house for sale and have a hard deadline to find everything a new home.  Probably should have had an estate sale but no time left, but if you like tools there are probably lots of other things in the barn that might be interesting as well.


    Really want it to go to a good home and my wife just doesn't want another tractor in the barn.  I've been a long time WH collector but I just can't fit one more.


    Hoping someone can pick it up this weekend, preferably sunday 10/22.  Willing to negotiate so it can go to a good home and save me from hauling it back to my place to sell.  Pickup would be in Flat Rock, MI.


    The attached picture is from a few years ago but should be reasonably accurate.  Always stored in a garage or barn.  I haven't seen it in a few years so I don't want to pretend that it is in perfect condition.  It was really nice then but it was regularly used to mow the lawn for the past few years after he passed by other relatives that were living there temporarily until the house was sold.  So it should be good but I'll get an accurate picture when I travel out there tomorrow.  Until then just wanting to see if there is any interest.  I've met some really great WH collectors in the area or people that just need a decent tractor that isn't some POS from home depot.


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