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    Wheelhorse C175

    • Active
      Price: 600
      Location: Washington, Pa

    Let me preface that I am not a complete expert on these mowers.   If this price is too high for what it is, please let me know like a decent human being. 


    Selling my Wheelhorse C175 hydro. It is around 1982 or 1983. It has a Kohler KT17 series 1. Since I owned it I have put new tires on it, electric fuel pump and tune up items. There are two reasons I'm selling it. 1) One of the spindle mounts for the mower deck broke and took a piece of the deck off. It can be welded back on easily. Then all that would be needed is a new spindle. 2) Stopped running and have finally torn the engine down to find a connecting rod seized to crank. The cylinder walls in the jugs look great though and no holes in block so it is rebuildable. This was a fantastic tractor before the engine went. It handled anything you threw at it. I don't want to see it go but will be physically unable to fix it and need the space. The picture was before I tore it down. I can leave it apart and have the pieces organized or put it back together, that decision is left to the buyer. Asking $600 or best offer. 

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    I realize this is my first ever post, I am having neck surgery next week so trying all avenues to find out how to sell this. 

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    Brockport Bill


    dont see any photo

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