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  • Reproduction 300/400/500 headlight bezels

    • Active
      Price: $25
      Location: Solsberry, In
      Contact: PM me

    This started out as mostly a "can we do it?" project, but I believe that some of you here might be interested in buying some of these.  My daughter's boyfriend is an engineering student and has a 3-D printer.  He modeled the bezel shape, and we did a few test runs which I tried out on several tractors here.  These are NOT NOS, but I bought a pair of those a while back for $40 plus shipping and was not happy about spending that much. And, I like this new plastic quality better.  I think the NOS bezels were so old they had warped some anyway.  The texture is "line-y" or striated, but they could probably be sanded and painted with a good plastic paint to look more like the originals. But personally, I don't care.  Maybe the show-tractor purists do, but that's okay - don't buy them if you want perfection.


    The only challenge so far has been that most used hoods have bumped into a tree, fence post, or something over the years and are not in perfect shape.  These bezels fit my tractors pretty well, but I was told by someone I sent a sample to that they were a bit of a loose fit on a NOS hood.  But that's okay too.  If you have an unblemished hood, give me the exact Width/Height measurements of your headlight holes, and we can adjust the size of the bezel for a tighter fit if necessary.


    I'm looking to get $25 per pair, plus shipping (USPS Priority is about $9.50).  Discount on multiple pairs, and I should be able to ship at least 5 pairs in one box if you want a bunch.  Also, these could be done in just about any color by request. The first tests were in white and silver, since that was what was handy at the time. All later ones already made are in black. This is PLA material, not ABS, which is more brittle. In my opinion, these are probably more durable than the originals, but that's just a feeling.  I have several pairs available, but as soon as those are sold there will be at least a few days lead time before I can get more made and shipped.



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    Please be aware that the PLA will eventually soften and melt from the heat of the sun, the lamps, and the engine. You should consider making them out of PETG (better, but not uv resistant) or ASA (best, uv and heat resistant). I am also a 3D printer for a hobby. 

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    davem1111 any chance you would share the STL file?  I have some different material and carbon fiber, I wouldn't mind print them from a different material to see if I can make theme more durable.  I have two 520H's.  I have STL files for the levers that I would be willing to share.


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