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Change Hydros?

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I'm looking at buying a C160. I understand that it has a Sundstrand axel

Is there a reason why I can't change that to an Eaton 1100? I just happen to have one in the shop.

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It really shouldn't need to be swapped - the C-160 used the later model Sundstrand and every one I've tried has been strong as an ox...but I'm sure it could be done with the right parts to swap it .


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Sarge is right- those Sundstrands are designed to handle as much as 20hp more than Eaton 1100- Good Luck!- Al

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I have 2  C160's  with the sundstrand and both work very well. One has 10/30 Moble 1 and the other has transmission fluid in it .The PO eather changed it to transmission fluid or it came that way new. would not change them with a Eaton 1100 unless I had no choice. One  is a 1974 and the other is a 1977.

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On 11/12/2016 at 1:21 PM, illinilefttackle said:

Sarge is right- those Sundstrands are designed to handle as much as 20hp more than Eaton 1100- Good Luck!- Al

I don't mean to sound like I'm doubting you but I know other inquiring minds will want to know more.  Could you expound upon that?  The Sundstrands on the 160s were beefier?  I have one so that would be nice to know.

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Internally all the hydro gear sundstrands were the same. Different model # usually involved the year or some external variance.


The internals of the piston to piston were also the same except for the addition of a band brake in later years.  D series Sunstrands handled 20 HP without an issue so long as you kept fluid clean and didn't grind up the parking brake.  The weak spot was the splined coupler /input shaft between the engine and the pump, nothing to do with internals.

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22 hours ago, DennisThornton said:

I don't mean to sound like I'm doubting you but I know other inquiring minds will want to know more.  Could you expound upon that?  The Sundstrands on the 160s were beefier?  I have one so that would be nice to know.

Dennis- when I was reading up on the Sundstrand I had in a 16 auto that I was restoring-I came across an article that claimed they designed to handle  up to 45hp. I will see if I can find it again-it didn't surprise me because if you compare the transmissions- the sundstrand even looks beefier-hose & fitting sizes, etc. Thanks- Al

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Eaton in my opinion is a stronger axle hands down. Larger axles, stronger lift pressures, much stronger diff, and easier neutral adjustments. I have both and have been into both foe one reason or other. As for changing one for another, the thought has crossed my mind and you would need a doner tractor for all the linkage parts and parking brake would be pain to get to work like it should.  I do use my parking brake all the time and has saved me from more runaways then I want to talk about. 

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