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diesel horse

5025 transmission help

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diesel horse

Yesterday I dissambled a 4 speed tranny off a round hood. I couldnt find the small rod that goes inside the spring that moves the detent balls. Anyone have one lying around that could measure the langth and diameter? I was going to make one out of a old drill bit. The last two transmissions of the early 60's era that I have opened had the rod inside but for some reason this one didnt.

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The 5025 has a 11/16" pin. It is .155" (5/32" is fine) in diameter. The later models with the deeper neutral detent in the rails used a 3/4" long pin. You can use the shorter pin with any rails but the longer pin can only be used with the shift rails with the deeper neutral detent. :)

Edited by Racinbob
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diesel horse

Thanks Racinbob thats exactely what I needed. I might also grind some flats on the backside of the shifter rails. My  854 had the flats but this 63 doesnt. This tranny Im working on now had the 11/44 mushroom gear ground down to a nub on the 1 inch diameter inboard shaft. Didnt hurt the cases though. Looks like it came off a lathe.

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That's a great modification to your rails, It will help to prevent the transmission from locking up in two gears. Are you needing a mushroom gear?


Here's some videos I did a while back. Grinding the flat addresses the suction thingy. :)


Edited by Racinbob
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diesel horse

Great video Racinbob, although I never got stuck in two gears at the same time I know it happens. I'm going to do the mod anyways. I happened to have a spare mushroom gear on the shelf. I took some pictures of the trashed gear but have trouble at times uploading them.

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diesel horse

Racinbob, are those newer style shift rails still available? Kinda got me thinkin before reassembly I should install them.

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I was just going through my transmission parts when you posted. I've got 5 pairs of shift rails. Unfortunately 4 pairs are the original style and only one pair the later style which will be going in the transmission for my 500 Special. I'm sure there's plenty out there. You should send Racinfool40 a PM. I'll bet he has them. Just make sure you make the stop pin 3/4" long to get the benefit. The spring and detent balls are the same. :)

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diesel horse

Okay, that sounds like the plan. I don't wanna wait for the big show 2016 to find some rails. I will just cut down another 5/32 drill bit for the pin.I'll PM Mike and see if he has any.

Thanks a bunch for all your help. 

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