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my beat up simplicity cab

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put this thing together today. ugly but hopeing to keep the wind / blowing snow off me.






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what ever works :D will at least work up to 100 mph :hide:

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WOW!!!!! That's U-G-L-Y Perry. :hide: Wanna sell it? :D:hide: :omg:

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Red Green would be proud of you!

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This picture reminds me of the line: "If it can't be fixed with DucTape, it's really not salvageable". :thumbs:

If it were mine, I'd probably just cover the rest of the top in DucTape, and that would help it last longer, and make it more air- and water-resistant.

That's just my 2-cents worth.

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Perry did you have any tape left over ?????

I heard walmart has a sale on it better hurry before the rest of the wheel horse bunch see what you did

It works dont it ??

I went up to Jonesville Va, to pic up my third lawn ranger some six years ago on the way back on I81 a dodge pic up passed me just a flying and in the box the bed of the truck they had some thing covered with plastic and guess what was coving it and run down the sides of the bed I mean all over yep ductape and not just a little a lot now this truck like I said was flying cause I was doing just over 80MPH

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its a red green thing :thumbs: .

new sign in the cab.


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As Red Green says, "Duct tape is the handy mans secret weapon, and if she can't find you attractive, atleast she can find you handy. "

I love that show.

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You guys do know they DO make colored tape ,,,,Red , Green, Yellow,so on and so on !!!!!! :thumbs:

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You guys do know they DO make colored tape ,,,,Red , Green, Yellow,so on and so on !!!!!! :whistle:

red tape was the plan, but i was in the middle of installing this and the wife was out and about so i called and told her to grab me some red duct tape. she brought back silver, all k-mart had. oh well, i just wanted to get it done.

my father-inlaws neighbor rebuilds canvas tops at her house. she did a complete pop-up camper top last year. if its cheap enough ill have her do this cab, but im thinking just material will prombaly be too expensive. so the search is on for a better cab. this one is taking a beating from the cold weather. its pretty old and brittle.

this worked great on the filthy stained windows :thumbs: .


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Teddy da Bear

Perry? Is that a front PTO on your tractor?

Or does that tractor with the cab have a receptacle

for a hand crank sticking out the front like a Model T??? :thumbs: :whistle:

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pto/crankshaft sticking out.

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