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On a D series Pressure test

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Where is a good place to check hydraulic pressure from the main pump on a D series tractor.  On my D180 it is soft in reverse.  good and solid in forward.  I am thinking a stuck or leaking check valve or maybe a weak spring in the check valve.  Thanks  Al

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I use the center top port on the pump (right above the temp sending unit)  If she works good forward pump pressure is probably not your issue.



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I removed the temp sensor and used that port. The temp sensor and the top port are two different fitting sizes.

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Well, I worked a few hrs on the ole D loader back hoe last night.  I checked both pressure valves,  balls and springs are fine.  Still good forward, weak reverse.   I removed the forward and reverse selector cam from the pump.  Wow, now I have great responce in reverse,  The pivoting arm for the hydro pump simply needed to be moved alot more toward the back for reverse.  The cam plate did not allow this to move enough???  So around midnight, i decided to get the die grinder out and create a longer slot for the pivot arm roller to follow,  After a few trial and errors the little back hoe works great.  Excellant responce in both forward and revers.  Note, I did try to adjust the roller on the eccentric, this just did not move enough.    I did not get a chance to test the pump pressure, but I know it must be fine as it will spin the tires in both forward and reverse even with the full weight of the back hoe.  Thanks for all of your help   Al

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