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The Road to Redemption Chapter 2 A New Beginning

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Thought I'd post these up. Not much to say. At least I'm ok. I was mowing about an hour ago, It got away from me and I at least fell clear. Tractor didn't fair so well though. Hood,Steering wheel, maybe more. Will post up when I have more.




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Wow man, glad you're ok, the tractor can be fixed easily enough. Makes me think I should put some safety switches on my machine.

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WH Raider10

Holy s**t! I'm glad you could jump of in time! What a bummer on your 312, I hope you can fix it!

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What spooked your Horse? :scratchead:

I bet that ride scared the crap out of you. :teasing-poke:

Are you sure you're OK? :thumbs:

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Wheel Horse Kid

WOW! That was sure a heck of an accident! Glad to know that you are okay! You could of really got injured with that one. So sorry about the tractor. I followed your thread when you were restoring it and you put so much hard work into it! At least it is fixable!

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:eek: :eek: Glad you're okay, wish I could say the same for your horse.

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WHEEWWW Glad you are OK. Been there done that myself. SCARY ! !

One good thing if it had been one of those box store beauty's you would still be cleaning up the

plastic, If you were able.

You will have it like new in no time.

JIM in Texas

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What spooked your Horse? :scratchead:


Are you going to shoot it?

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That not much of a slope, what did you do try to climb that pole? Glad you were not hurt

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Should have changed/sharpened the blades while it was on it's side.

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Glad your OK Hydro. So long as your ok, the Horse will fix back up just fine. :thumbs:

Matt :flags-texas:

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wooh good to hear u are ok. thats a scary thing to do

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Sure glad you didnt get hurt & i hope your horse can be fixed too ?

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Jake Kuhn

Glad to hear your okay and sorry about your horse. Jake

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Well that sucks but its good that your reflexes were working!

At least it wasn't a plastic fantastic throw away mower, you'd be pickin it off the sidewalk with a dustpan-n-broom. :grin:


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whoopsy daisy , glad your ok

there is a spare hood on that ebay at the moment

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Those are some sobering photos, thanks for sharing them with us. It doesn't take much to upset these machines, does it?

Like everybody else has already mentioned, it's fixable, and you're OK, both good things.

Good luck, and keep us posted!

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I would really like to know how that happened :scratchead: Big gust of wind? As Don said, not much slope.

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bo dawg

I would really like to know how that happened :scratchead: Big gust of wind? As Don said, not much slope.

I agree, come on man tell the story. Doesn't matter how silly it might be. I done it too, tryed to do some hill climbing with a 68 Charger 9 w/ags tires on the back, and fliped front end right over. Landed on my back and rolled out of way just in time to miss tractor falling on top of me.

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:dunno: Big truck backfired and spooked your filly? :teasing-whipblue:

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That Pole looks Guilty!

Glad your OK!

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I,ll bet some lady was walking her Dog by there at the time ???

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I think, his wife walked up and said: "Hello Dear", and the tractor thought she called it a "Deere" and he threw a fit...

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Sorry for not checking in sooner,but I spent the rest of yesterday and part of today going over the tractor. Thanks for the concern and some of the comments really cracked me up! The damage: 1broken steering wheel, 1 Crushed corner on the hood, the steering bearing that I put in had a broken weld from the roll,the rear fender pan was tweaked,the muffler was loose,the control tower needed repositioned,seat had a slight twist, and some rock rash on the hood and fender pan. The good: I was able to fix the tractor and at least it is functional. Which was most important since we're putting in a garden this year and I really need it for mowing. I've got some pics showing the hill.

th_d76681fb.jpg and th_8dfb735f.jpg

The tractor rolled from the top at the sidewalk. I normally cut this bank going vertically from the bottom up. lately my wife has been weed whacking the bank because the tractor will leave ruts if it is wet . So I was mowing sideways at the crest and was turning up to follow the sidewalk. But the tractor started to climb the walk with the front wheels and then the rear tire started spinning. I've run this through my mind like a thousand times trying to visualize where it went wrong, Well it was definitely operator error. When the wheels slipped i should have just hit the brake and stopped everything. I could have at least backed down the hill once I was in control. What I did do instead was put the motion lever in neutral,but it slipped past and went into reverse. Then I really compounded my error by turning the wheels to go uphill in reverse. That's when gravity took over and I remember falling backwards off the tractor while it started rolling sideways down the hill. My only thoughts were that I was going to be crushed or have my legs broken by 700+ pounds of Wheel horse. I got lucky and ended up with a pretty sore body. I'm really thankful that I took the time to make sure all my safety switches worked during the rebuild because the blades and engine stopped when I left the seat. I've mowed that bank for 16 years and never had a problem ,til now.

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