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hey guys i have a 1973 wheel horse 14hp automatic with the automatic hydrostatic transmission i was wondering what transmission oil i should use from when i looked around i think it said to use Dexron 2 or 3 and if i should use automatic or manual oil and it takes 5 QUARTS!!! tell me if the oil is right and the amount. NEXT what filter should i use the one on there now is a huge car OIL filter witch im sure is not right. i know the part number for the Transmission filter is 102819 from toro but i want to get one from Canadian tire, walmart, napa so i can do it right a way i found one at napa online (http://www.napacanada.com/en/PartsAcces ... umber.aspx)(all three are the same dimensions and i got the dimensions from http://www.rcpw.com/toro-transmission-filters/120265.html and http://www.rcpw.com/toro-parts/genuine/79-5270.html) that is the same size and thread as the one from toro but napa calls it a oil filter will it work please help :banghead::thumbs2:

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Unless the transmission has been completely flushed, Wheel Horse did not recommend switching from whatever you were using to something else. Here is a quote pulled from their lubrication chart.

CAUTION: DO NOT MIX TYPES OF OILS. System could have been

flushed & converted during overhaul. DETERMINE TYPE OF OIL


SAE 1OW-30 or 1OW-40 Engine Oil

Dexron II or III Trans. Oil

So you need to know what is in it now before changing or adding unless you do a complete flush.

Most users recommend the OEM Toro filter, #79-5270

Your transmission holds 5 quarts of fluid.

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Napa Hydraulic filter 1410

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