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Intermittent Electric Clutch

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This clutch has been acting up since I got the machine. I thought I had it fixed but should have know better. Checked power to the clutch with a test light. Seems to show power unless the ground wire is also connected. Once the ground is conncted, the light goes out. Might have been a fluke but I rapped on it once and got it to go. Now it seems dead.

I'm clueless on this so any help is greatly appreciated!

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I have no experience with electric clutches but it sound like a short in the clutch causing the power to go to ground. Other than checking the power wire for bare insulation I don't know what to tell you. Post this in the electrical section maybe SOI can help you.

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WH nut

What you need to do is check the clutch coil with an ohm meter. Im not sure what the spec shoud be but you show not show an open circuit. It sound like its an intermittnt open. If it checks ok, make sure you arent lossing power to the clutch. The reason for your light going out could be a bad ground/

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