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Engine Primer & Paint

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I am putting my K301 back together and want to paint it. Should I also paint the top of the ening block (where the 'fins' are) and the head? Or will this have a negative affect on cooling?

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I have painted the engine fins except for the head. Whether or not it is a problem for cooling is a question for the more thermally astute. :thumbs: It didn't seem to affect mine, but I'm no expert.

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Use an engine paint such as Dupli-color Ceramic Engine Paint ( plain Red is part number DE1653, available at any Pep Boys or online) and the radiated heat effect will be so low as to make little difference in engine cooling. I don't suggest priming but it does work, as well.

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Use an engine paint such as Dupli-color Ceramic Engine Paint ( plain Red is part number DE1653, available at any Pep Boys or online) and the radiated heat effect will be so low as to make little difference in engine cooling. I don't suggest priming but it does work, as well.

Wouldn't a lack of primer cause the paint to easily chip away?

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I have done a few by starting with a clean surface (either "cooked off" or wire-wheeled) followed by a dish detergent bath.

The rest of my procedure:

Blow dry with compressed air and then give the pieces a thorough lacquer thinner rinse. Blow dry again, mask the appropriate areas and and spray with a few light coats of self-etching primer. (I use Dupli-Color "DAP1690" from NAPA) This should be allowed to dry for at least 24 hours.

Scuff lightly with a 3M Scotch-Brite pad (specifically a #7447) and blow off all dust, etc. with compressed air. (again :) )

Paint engine with plain old Krylon aerosol enamel.

Yeah - the Krylon paint will burn off around the exhaust port, but every other paint I have used burnt off there too. Unless you never run the engine, you won't stop it. :thumbs:

By the way....... I normally paint everything that shows ~ just like the factory did. I'd rather have paint on the head fins than an oxidized mess later on.

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Use an engine paint such as Dupli-color Ceramic Engine Paint ( plain Red is part number DE1653, available at any Pep Boys or online) and the radiated heat effect will be so low as to make little difference in engine cooling. I don't suggest priming but it does work, as well.

Wouldn't a lack of primer cause the paint to easily chip away?

Using TT's suggested method, and making sure the engine is clean and scuffed, not to my experience. The ceramic paints I've used hold up quite well and have never chipped off if the surface below was clean and scuffed to start with.

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TT's right about the head oxidizing with time, and I don't know of a way to prevent it. :thumbs:

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I've done a few and a few different ways, first clean dry and spray with rattle can has held up good, burns off near the exhaust, then cleaned very well scuffed and shot with TSC Valspar also holding up very well and has burned off near the exhaust, even engine paint will burn off, and I paint everything but the carb like factory, the head will corrode and not look very nice, I believe as long as you don't put 50 coats of paint on it will cool just fine, the factory painted the complete engine.

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Thanks everyone.

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Anglo Traction

Hi, A bit late to the Post with this and I suppose it has ran it's course for Matt860's purposes and I hope he's progressing well with it.

I have been doing the same with my k301 on a refurb of a 74 Raider/C-120 Rebuild and Paint. I agree with the the Guys here that Prep is all important. Just about finished the Engine now. Over here (UK) I have used a range of Engine and Manifold paints that withstand temps up to about 1300f. I mask all gasket areas off and paint direct to surrounding metal with no primer required. I also paint each piece separately, rather than do a Factory type Blast. I paint the Alloy Head lightly with Silver then shove it in the oven for a few minutes and leave to cool. this paint cuts off the oxygen to the surface and reduces the rate of corrosion significantly, without affecting heat dissipation. I also prefer to paint the fins Black (does not burn off) and is reputed to dissipate heat efficiently. Anyway here's a before and now-



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Beautiful job Richard. The difference is night and day. :thumbs:

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Beautiful job Richard. The difference is night and day. :thumbs:

I agree :)

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What did you use on the carb and fuel pump? Looks amazing!!

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Anglo Traction

What did you use on the carb and fuel pump? Looks amazing!!

They were both stripped, soaked, cleaned and polished by hand with progressive grades of Emery down to 'Crocus' grade (p1200). Washed again and blasted with warm air. Bit of Alloy Wheel Polish and buffed up again, then re-assembled...All worth the effort though.

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:thumbs: home run on motor

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Looks great.

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Hi, A bit late to the Post with this and I suppose it has ran it's course for Matt860's purposes and I hope he's progressing well with it.

I have been doing the same with my k301 on a refurb of a 74 Raider/C-120 Rebuild and Paint. I agree with the the Guys here that Prep is all important. Just about finished the Engine now. Over here (UK) I have used a range of Engine and Manifold paints that withstand temps up to about 1300f. I mask all gasket areas off and paint direct to surrounding metal with no primer required. I also paint each piece separately, rather than do a Factory type Blast. I paint the Alloy Head lightly with Silver then shove it in the oven for a few minutes and leave to cool. this paint cuts off the oxygen to the surface and reduces the rate of corrosion significantly, without affecting heat dissipation. I also prefer to paint the fins Black (does not burn off) and is reputed to dissipate heat efficiently. Anyway here's a before and now-

Your engine used to look like something from a Halloween movie. Looks fantastic.

My engine won't look nearly as polished but at least it won't be the greasy mess it used to be.

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How about this:


to this:


Didn't like the black recoil:


Done entirely with Krylon cherry red aerosol over the Dupli-Color etching primer. Two years and a few tanks of AVGAS later, it still looks just as nice - except for the blackened paint around the exhaust port area.

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Purdy! :) :thumbs:

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Anglo Traction

:) Terry, That piece of work is a Trophy Magnet ! Nice one. Hope that's not your Kitchen floor in the 1st pic :thumbs: .

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