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8 speed trans, locked in high range by frame bolt

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I've had a spare 8 speed transaxle around for a while now that worked fine when it came off it's tractor. Today I was messing around with it and it wouldn't come out of high range. It was sitting on a block of wood on the garage floor and the bolts that would attach the trans to the tractor frame were threaded into the trans. I didn't want to force the range lever and was really baffled about it being stuck, trying to spin the hubs and pully etc. to get it out of gear. Finally I thought I might try backing out those bolts and sure enough it came out of high range fine. It was the top right bolt that locks the trans in high range (if you're looking from the back forward), I remember now that oil came out of that hole too when I pulled the trans from the frame. The bolt would not hold the trans in low range however, the trans could be popped into neutral between ranges.

Is there a purpose for this or is it just a coincidence that one of the frame bolts interferes with the range selector? I am not familiar with the inside of this transaxle so much so am wondering if damage could be done by using too-long bolts or if WH had a trick designed into the trans. Don't some of the puller guys like to lock into high range?

Thought it was interesting enough to share anyway and maybe I could learn a little something. The trans is a 1976 from a B-100.

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