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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2016 in Files

  1. 1 point


    Operator manual #A-5193 IPL 1 page 152.10KB Dated 7/8/70 Fits GT-14 Completing package requires 6-9612 54" blade Also see the 6-4113 file for 42" blade Although the 6th or last digit is not used you can subtract 5 from that number to determine the model year. 1970 Blade Dozer 54in model 6-4113 A-Frame 1970 serial numbers that have shown up for the 6-4113 647370 655328 655758 656686 656733 666011 1971 Blade Dozer 54in model 6-4113 A-Frame 1971 serial numbers that have shown up for the 6-4113 742599 - 6-4113-6 743024 - 6-4113-6 786850 - 6-4113-6 1972 Blade Dozer 54in model 6-4113 A-Frame 1973 Blade Dozer 54in model 6-4113 A-Frame


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