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315 files

  1. Free

    Tractor 1985 208-3 D&A sn.pdf

    Lube chart SS
    Details & Attachments
    2 pages 110.86KB

    1985 208-3 model 22-08B301

    Tractor 1985 200-Series IPL #810385R1.pdf
    Tractor 1985 200-Series SM #810385R1.pdf
    Tractor 1985 200-Series Wiring Detailed #810385R1.pdf



  2. Free

    Tractor 1985 111-5 RER D&A TIPL sn.pdf

    IPL from Toro Master Parts Viewer
    35 pages 2.34KB
    This ipl is shared by similar models so each item may have more than one part number but fails to identify what model uses what part.

    On the Belgium list
    Tractor drive belt 110364 replaced by 113105 - (A x 33.10" or 1/2" x 33.1")

    Mower drive belt 110376 (1/2" x 38.5")
    Mower spindle belt 110420 replaced by 114567 (1/2" x 47.91")
    110397 and 111144 blade replaced by 112560 (3/4" center hole)
    Lube chart SS

    Details & Attachments
    2 pages 110.16KB

    1985 111-5 model 33-11B501



  3. Free

    Tractor 1985 108-R RER D&A TIPL sn.pdf

    IPL from Toro Master Parts Viewer
    33 pages 2.27MB
    This ipl is shared by similar models so each item may have more than one part number but fails to identify what model uses what part.

    On the Belgium list
    Tractor drive belt 110364 replaced by 113105 - (A x 33.10" or 1/2" x 33.1")
    Mower drive belt 110376 (1/2" x 38.5")
    Mower spindle belt 110420 replaced by 114567 (1/2" x 47.91")
    110397 and 111144 blade replaced by 112560 (3/4" center hole)
    Lube chart SS

    Details & Attachments
    2 pages 110.88KB

    1985 108-R model 33-08X301



  4. Free

    Tractor 1985 108-5 RER D&A TIPL sn.pdf

    IPL from Toro Master Parts Viewer
    35 pages 2.34MB

    On Belgium list
    Tractor drive belt 110364 replaced by 113105 - (A x 33.10" or 1/2" x 33.1")

    Mower drive belt 110376 (1/2" x 38.5")
    Mower spindle belt 110420 replaced by 114567 (1/2" x 47.91")
    110397 and 111144 blade replaced by 112560 (3/4" center hole)
    Lube chart SS

    Details & Attachments
    2 pages 109.77KB

    1985 108-5 RER model 33-08B501



  5. Free

    Tractor 1985 108-3e RER D&A TIPL sn.pdf

    IPL from Toro Master Parts Viewer
    42 pages 2.65KB

    This ipl is shared by similar models so each item may have more than one part number but fails to identify what model uses what part.
    Listed as 1981 model @ Toro but believe it should be 1985

    Not on Belgium list
    Lube chart SS

    Details & Attachments
    2 pages 103.94KB

    Not 100% sure these belts are correct but listed by Toro
    Mower drive belt 112114 (1/2" x 40.4")
    Mower spindle belt 110420 replaced by 114567 (1/2" x 47.91")
    110397 and 111144 blade replaced by 112560 (3/4" center hole)

    1985 108-3 model B3-08B302
    1985 108-3e model B3-08B302



  6. Free

    Tractor 1985 108-3 RER D&A TIPL SN.pdf

    IPL from Toro Master Parts Viewer
    33 pages 2.45MB
    This ipl is shared by similar models so each item may have more than one part number but fails to identify what model uses what part.

    On the Belgium list
    Tractor drive belt 110364 replaced by 113105 - (A x 33.10" or 1/2" x 33.1")
    Mower drive belt 110376 (1/2" x 38.5")
    Mower spindle belt 110420 replaced by 114567 (1/2" x 47.91")
    110397 and 111144 blade replaced by 112560 (3/4" center hole)
    Lube chart SS

    Details & Attachments
    2 pages 109.76KB

    1985 108-3 model 33-08B301

    1985 serial numbers that have shown up for the 33-08B301



  7. Free

    Tractor 1985 A-115 5-Speed RER D&A TIPL sn.pdf

    IPL from Toro Master Parts Viewer
    36 pages 2.27MB
    This ipl is shared by similar models so each item may have more than one part number but fails to identify what model uses what part.
    Includes 30" single-blade mower IPL

    Original tractor OM #810361R1
    Original tractor IPL #810365R1
    Tractor drive belt 110364 replaced by 113105 - (A x 33.10" or 1/2" x 33.1") - Listed as 1985 model in belt chart
    30" mower is standard equipment - Model number unknown
    Mower drive belt 110376 (HA x 38.5" or 1/2" x 38.5") - Not in belt chart
    Mower spindle belt 110420 replaced by 114567 (HA x 47.91" or 1/2" x 47.91") - Not in belt chart
    110397 and 111144 blade replaced by 112560 (3/4" center hole)
    Not in 1984 lube chart so added 1985 SS

    Details & Attachments
    2 pages 107.93KB

    1985 A-115 5-Speed Rear Engine Rider model 33-11BP01 - 1985 @ Toro - 1984 model in PSB 228j

    For engine OM and IPL see
    For Peerless transmission 829 IPL see



  8. Free

    Tractor 1985 A- 85 5-Speed RER D&A TIPL sn.pdf

    IPL from Toro Master Parts Viewer
    36 pages 2.27MB
    This ipl is shared by similar models so each item may have more than one part number but fails to identify what model uses what part.
    Includes 30" single-blade mower IPL
    Original tractor OM #810361R1
    Original tractor IPL #810365R1
    Tractor drive belt 110364 replaced by 113105 - (A x 33.10" or 1/2" x 33.1")
    30" mower is standard equipment - Model number unknown
    Mower drive belt 110376 (HA x 38.5" or 1/2" x 38.5") - Not in belt chart
    Mower spindle belt 110420 replaced by 114567 (HA x 47.91" or 1/2" x 47.91") - Not in belt chart
    110397 and 111144 blade replaced by 112560 (3/4" center hole)
    Not in 1984 lube chart so added the 1985 SS
    Details & Attachments
    2 pages 107.83KB

    1985 A-85 5-Speed Rear Engine Rider model 33-08BP01 - 1985 @ Toro - 1984 model in PSB 228j

    For engine OM and IPL see
    For Peerless transmission 829 IPL see



  9. Free

    Tractor 1990 416-H TIPL.pdf

    IPL from Toro Master Parts Viewer - Tractor
    52 pages 3.76MB
    This ipl is shared by similar models so each item may have more than one part number but fails to identify what model uses what part.
    Onan P216G-I/10976C Engine
    24 pages 1.86MB
    This ipl is shared by similar models so each item may have more than one part number but fails to identify what model uses what part.
    Transmission drive belt 112801 replaced by 114895 - (HB x 82.95 or 5/8" x 82.95")
    Tractor 1990 416-H model 41-16OE01



  10. Free

    Tractor 1988 212-6 IPL SM Wiring Detailed.pdf

    IPL #810543R1 or #810543 R1
    Service manual
    Wiring Detailed
    64 pages 12.6MB
    Part 1 of 3
    27 pages 4.35MB - Service notes on IPL pages
    Part 2 of 3
    24 pages 4.13MB - Service notes on IPL pages
    Part 3 of 3
    13 pages 4.12MB - Service info
    Transmission drive belt 111435 - (A x 91.7" or 1/2" x 91.7")
    Tractor 1988 212-6 model 32-12K602



  11. Free

    Tractor 1988 211-5 IPL SM Wiring Detailed.pdf

    IPL #810543R1
    Service manual
    Wiring Detailed
    64 pages 12.6MB
    Part 1 of 3
    27 pages 4.35MB - Service notes on IPL pages
    Part 2 of 3
    24 pages 4.13MB - Service notes on IPL pages
    Part 3 of 3
    13 pages 4.12MB - Service info
    Transmission drive belt 111435 - (A x 91.7" or 1/2" x 91.7")
    Tractor 1988 211-5 model 32-11BX02



  12. Free

    Tractor 1988 208-4 IPL SM Wiring.pdf

    IPL #810543R1 or #810543 R1
    Service manual
    Wiring Detailed
    64 pages 12.6MB
    Part 1 of 3
    27 pages 4.35MB - Service notes on IPL pages
    Part 2 of 3
    24 pages 4.13MB - Service notes on IPL pages
    Part 3 of 3
    13 pages 4.12MB - Service info
    Transmission drive belt 111435 - (A x 91.7" or 1/2" x 91.7")
    Tractor 1988 208-4 model 32-08B402



  13. Free

    Tractor 1990 112-6e RER D&A IPL SM sn.pdf

    IPL #899001R1
    40 pages 5.11MB

    Not on the Belgium list

    Part 1 of 2
    21 pages 2.28MB

    Part 2 of 2
    19 pages 2.83MB

    Details & Attachments
    2 pages 109.60KB

    1990 112-6 Rear Engine Rider model R3-12B601 - On the Belgium list as model R3-12B602 for 1990
    1990 112-6e Rear Engine Rider model R3-12B601 - On the Belgium list as model R3-12B602 for 1990

    On the Belgium list

    Details & Attachments
    2 pages 113.20KB

    1990 112-6 Rear Engine Rider model R3-12K601 - 1989 model in manual #899199 and 1990 @ Toro
    1990 112-6e Rear Engine Rider model R3-12K601 - 1989 model in manual #899199 and 1990 @ Toro



  14. Free

    Tractor 1990 110-4e RER D&A IPL SM SN.pdf

    IPL #899001R1
    40 pages 5.11MB

    Part 1 of 2
    21 pages 2.28MB

    Part 2 of 2
    19 pages 2.83MB

    Details & Attachments
    2 pages 112.97KB

    1990 110-4 Rear Engine Rider model R3-10B401 - This is 1990 on the Belgium list and 1989 on manual #899199
    1990 110-4e Rear Engine Rider model R3-10B401 - This is 1990 on the Belgium list and 1989 on manual #899199

    Details & Attachments
    2 pages 110.07KB

    1990 110-4 Rear Engine Rider model R3-10B402 - Listed as 1991 @ Toro but 1990 on Belgium list and on illustrated parts list #899001R1
    1990 110-4e Rear Engine Rider model R3-10B402 - Listed as 1991 @ Toro but 1990 on Belgium list and on illustrated parts list #899001R1

    1990 serial numbers that have shown up for the R3-10B402



  15. Free

    Tractor 1990 227-5e Kawasaki D&A IPL SM sn.pdf

    IPL and Service manual #899003
    57 pages 3.56MB
    Toro lists manual #899298N 899298 but it is a 1989 manual
    Includes Kawasaki FC540V engine IPL
    Details and attachments
    2 pages 114.05KB
    1990 227-5 model R2-17K501 (This may be a 1989 model)
    1990 227-5e model R2-17K501 (This may be a 1989 model)
    For engine operator manual see
    For engine service manual see
    For transmission IPL see



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