Hydraulic dump cart
Steffen_Brandt, in Restorations, Modifications, & Customizations
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Service manual #810242R3
12 pages 1.52MB
Dated 09/84
Also listed as manual 492-4208
Replaces manual #810242R1
whlifhyd.pdf @ Toro
A service manual for the hydraulic lift valves and cylinders.
Included is a description of the adapters needed to make hoses and where to get them.
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By JasonMc
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Good Morning Ladies & Gents;
I operate a Small Engine & Power Equipment Repair Shop From my home in Bridgeport, Ct.
Yesterday I started repairs on a 1984 +- Wheel Horse C-145 Automatic Lawn & Garden Tractor.
I decided this would be a good candidate for a repair video series on my new Youtube channel. Since the repairs on this tractor are not the usual carb cleaning & belt replacements.
Someone suggested that the Wheel Horse enthusiasts on this site might find this information useful and I hope that's the case.
Problems I'm aware of and being addressed include........... Motion Works Linkages, Hydraulic Implement Controls, Brakes & Parking Brake, Mower Blade Mounting, and whatever else I find as repairs progress.
Repair Video's have been a tremendous help to me on all types of things that I don't have a service manual for, and if this helps someone then the effort will be well worth it.
As I post this there are 4 video's in the series. More will be added in the coming days.
If you find the video's helpful please like, comment & subscribe, so I can mold the channel into a useful resource. It takes a lot of extra time to video document repairs, so it's good to know if it's worth it.
This Tractor belongs to a repair client and is Not For Sale
Good Luck With Your Repair Projects..........................Mike
By Horse's ass
I can't seem to locate the oil plug on the transmission/hydro of the C161 auto. Can someone please show me where the heck it is!?!? I would think it was right on the bottom somewhere near the filter but I do not see or feel anything that looks like a oil drain.....
Thanks for your help,