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Found 12 results

  1. Murph45

    1968 Raider 12

    Fully functional tractor with loader, forks and plow. Could use cosmetic upgrade. I am not using it!
  2. Southern_Secret

    IT'S a D-180 & IT'S all MINE!!

    Hello fellow Horse Heads long time no post for me, life gets crazy & a lot of things change sometimes but anyhoo. So back a few years ago when I first got my 1994 314-H I had it at my shop going threw it. One of my customers walk past as im working and said, you know I think Iv got a Wheel Horse & im thinking "no you dont buddy". I give him my # to send pics thinking it was a big waste of time & after getting the pics I realized he did have a Wheel Horse! I hand shake bought it right there, asked him to bring it to my store & he said no problem. Well after almost 2 years it is finally in my orbit. I know very little about it other than his father-inlaw got it new and used it around his house moving snow and stuff. His father inlaw moved down south here when his daughter got married and gave the tractor to my customer because he had a farm & his the inlaw had no use for it anymore. Same with every barn find, "it was running when parked" 8 years ago, said one of the axel seal is leaking. Im happy and hope I can get it back in running order soon cause it is going to be handy around the truck farm!! I will post Pics as soon as I reinstate my membership
  3. This is more a general question but has anyone used a quick attach system for a GT FEL? I was thinking of adding one to my loader to use start switching between my bucket and forks ( hopefully a blade soon). If you did how did you do it? Did you use the SSQA system? My biggest concern is adding a bunch of extra weight to a GT loader but I really hate swapping between the two. Pictures would be fantastic.
  4. Didn’t get to swap the loader out for the 44” 2-stage snowblower and cab on the 520-H before the Christmas Day storm. I had the engine out to redo the top end (decarbon, clean and reseat valves, New gaskets, New fuel pump, tubing, filter, plugs and properly seat camshaft Welch plug) so no time to switch over before storm. It’s just another excuse to use the loader! Merry Christmas everyone🌲🎅🏻
  5. Never saw one before so I had to build it. 200 lbs of rocks and gouged out an old stump. No fail. The little son-of-a-buck wouldnt quit. I love it. The little LR will never plow a field but dont ever say its not robust enough for ground engagement. Thats nonsense. Just another example of how they built lawn equipment in the 60's. I have a bone stock LR from '66 that I would never change. Great to have both a Jekyll and a Hyde.
  6. BenTheWheelHorseMan

    Westendorf FEL?

    Westendorf has a FEL called the TA-52. It is rated for minimum 10 horsepower. I have not seen anybody using them on their horses, so I wandered if it was an option or not. I have a Charger 12 Auto and am open to any suggestions or better companies to get a FEL. I would try to get a Kwikway, but nobody within the state of Indiana seems to be selling one. Like I said before, all feedback is appreciated.
  7. BenTheWheelHorseMan

    Charger 12 FEL question

    I have a 1969 Charger 12 That I am thinking about putting a front end loader on. That being said, I would either like to buy one for a good price or fab in one myself. I need some advice as to whether I could possibly run it off of the hydro tranny on my tractor or if I needed a hydraulic pump. Another question is if I needed a hydraulic pump, how would it perform with a FEL? Would it have good enough pressure for that application. Heck, I don't even know if my Charger would be a good choice for a FEL. All help is appreciated.
  8. Swemill

    My D-180 project

    Unfortunately not allowed to upload more pics here... But you could se my D-180 project if you are interested - with some mods at my site: http://www.bengan.com/predator/ In the meny to the left - click Wheel Horse. I believe that it's quite unique... =) Sorry for the only Swedish...
  9. Kwik Way FEL I picked up at Steve Myers Service in Cridersville, OH recently. I was asking a friend Nick (WH857) about a project loader I had seen on Clist that was missing all the hydraulics. He mentioned that they had this Kwik Way in at the dealership. I made arrangements to go after ASAP! This will be going on a 310-8 speed with a mix of 520H parts....unless I can find a reasonably priced 520H locally. Will update the thread with more pics once I start throwing it together tomorrow.
  10. milspec762

    Decent Buy?

    I just picked this up. Its a 1998 522Xi with kwik-way Front End Loader. for $2800 the hour meter is showing 327 hours. The guy claimed to be the original owner. Im new to the wheel horse's but very much becoming a fan. In my eyes Its a great little tractor. I just was curious if was good buy as I couldn't find anything to compare it to for sale.
  11. Well as I fix one thing on my good ol' 1973 auto 18, the next weakest link needs attention. The tractor an ARK 550 was working like a charm as I moved chords of wood from on old oak that had fallen. Then all of a sudden when I engaged the clutch lever on the left side of the tractor, to engage the hydro pump powering the ARK 550. The FEL stays down. No motion at all. It appears that the pulley that is some type of clutch directly off of the front of the engine doesn't engage and drive the belt anymore. I'm not sure exactly what the protocol is. So before I make things worse wanted some feedback on someone who went down that road. I took a few pics of the problem area. What do I take apart and where do I start? Thank you again for your guidance and wisdom! Jack
  12. stratostar250

    I found a D-250!

    So, long story short, I was looking for something interesting for my next Wheel Horse. I was keeping my eye out, and then I saw something that kinda stuck in my mind. It was so unique. And luckily, I was able to snag it. I talked it over with my parents, and they helped me out with it, and my dad took the 6 hour one way trip with me yesterday to pick it up. Without further adeiu, here is the info on the D-250 and my findings so far, and some pictures, and a video! So, The tags on the tractor make it a 79, 80, or an 81. but the front loader tags, say 80 or 81, so I am going to call it a 1980 D-250. The tractor runs absolutely beautifully and smoothly, It has just under 590 hours on it, there is a slight belt squeal from time to time, and the alternator light will sometimes flicker, but I will figure it out. Everything works, from the front loader to all the levers, gears, dash lights, steering box has no play, ect. The only problems with it, are that it is not a beauty queen, the headlights and tail lights do not work, the rear fender is broken because it is plastic, the foot throttle is a little weird, it doesn't work perfect, and there is a hydraulic leak in the front somewhere, not large, but noticeable when the tractor sits. With all this said, I have done my research, and will take care of this tractor. I understand how rare of a breed they are, and want to make sure it works for a long, long time. I looked at all the weak points that people say to check for, and everything seems to be alright. It does need some fixin's here and there, and it will need to be treated with TLC, but, this thing is absolutely AWESOME, and I LOVE it. I didn't realize how large it actually was until i brought it home. Click on the pictures to make them larger Oh, and it came with a tiller, with some obvious weird repairs This is how we had to transport it, because it was about a foot too long with the bucket on our 5x9 trailer. This will make some people happy:
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