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  • Suburban/400 Parts Opportunity

    Handy Don
    • Pending
      Price: 250
      Location: Cortlandt, Ny Or The Big Show

    I bought these from a seller clearing a boneyard. Goal was (and is) to keep them from going to the metal scrap yard. They have been outdoors for years and it shows. Since my knowledge of  these models is practically nil I cannot add insight beyond my observations. I have no interest in working with these--I’d simply like to see them go to someone who will put the parts to use. I’d prefer not to get involved in parting the tractor or the frame. The mower deck possibly.


    Here they are on the trailer.



    First is a pretty much complete but extremely rusted Suburban/400. Rotted rims & front tires; rear AGs have some sidewall cracks but might be usable. Does not roll (it was hoisted onto the trailer). Engine does not turn. Mower deck is there but spindles are locked. Hood is not cut or dented and the throttle/choke levers are in place. The hood hold-downs are rusted out. Seat is excellent. Frame, front axle, spindles, tie rod, and steering appear solid. Three-piece transaxle seems stuck, but there was a shifter boot so probably not too bad inside. Casting code is visible but I don’t know how to read them! Has the mower deck lift adaptor in the slot hitch. Lift arm (and cable!) are there. Kohler K91T engine with carb but no air filter. Gas tank is attached under the hood.


    The second item is a frame & three-piece transaxle only and a different model (it doesn’t have the notched arch for lift height adjustment but it does have the lift lever with the button.) The rear hubs are there and both axles turn with no grinding so the diff is working. The shifter goes into all four positions but I think the brake drum is rusted to the band lining. Frame, front axle, spindles, and steering all seem complete. No wheels.


    The mower deck is a 32” with, I think, the mounting brackets for a Lawn Ranger. The gears seem ok but only one spindle is fully free. The shell is remarkably solid. The gauge wheels are definitely replacements. No detailed pictures.



    Full Tractor











    1379932547_IMG_60792.jpeg.5f1d62d9b1680b39c7425f5b78a4ca1a.jpeg 1097257972_IMG_60622.jpg.6bd4ed840674e533c818b2ce2a9284b6.jpg


















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    Thanks for saving these. :handgestures-thumbupright: 


    The unusual bracket on the hitch is to raise & lower the mower deck.

    • Thanks 1

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